8-12 August 2016
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Construction of KMAX-FRC Experiment

9 Aug 2016, 11:50


Plenary Current status of open magnetic systems for plasma confinement Current status of open magnetic systems for plasma confinement


Prof. Xuan Sun (University of Science and Technology of China)


KMAX, KeDa Mirror with Axisysmmetricity, is undergoing a major upgrade by adding colliding Field Reserved Configurations (FRCs) in the hope to improve the plasma content in the central cell region. Very much like many current FRC experiments, KMAX-FRCs will be formed on both ends by high voltage pulsed power and simultaneously injected into the central cell for colliding and merging. However, the coils to form FRCs are placed inside the metal vacuum vessel, which allows us to realize fast control for future experiments. In addition, the 4 groups of coils with different diameters and their 4 independent pulsed power allow us to form FRCs using conical or dynamic formation technique. The status and the preliminary results of KMAX-FRC will be presented as well as some results from RF heating. While FRC has very different magnetic geometry than a simple mirror, they share many similar features especially in the FRC’s open field line region. We will also show some RF heating results and some interesting discoveries on the parametric decay process.

Primary author

Prof. Xuan Sun (University of Science and Technology of China)

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