8-12 August 2016
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Control of energy deposition profile for electron cyclotron resonance heating in open trap

10 Aug 2016, 15:00


Board: 11
Poster Plasma confinement, heating and stability Poster session


Dr Egor Gospodchikov (Institute of Applied Physics RAS)


A technique is proposed for the energy deposition profile adjustment at electron cyclotron resonance heating using relatively small perturbation of the external magnetic field in an axisymmetric magnetic trap. This method is based on high sensitivity of EC power deposition profile of quasi-longitudinal propagating right-polarized electromagnetic waves to radial inhomogenity of external magnetic field strength and direction. A possibility of an effective control of power deposition profile and heating efficiency is demonstrated both analytically and numerically for two main scenarios of electron cyclotron heating in mirror devices: the longitudinal launch of microwave radiation into a magnetic mirror region and the trapping of obliquely launched radiation by inhomogeneous plasma column. The work is supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project No 14-12-01007).

Primary author

Dr Egor Gospodchikov (Institute of Applied Physics RAS)


Dr Olga Smolyakova (Institute of Applied Physics RAS)

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