22-25 October 2019
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Results and prospects of BNCT biological research at the accelerator Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

Not scheduled


Nikolaev str. 12, Novosibirsk, Russia


Mr Vladimir Kanygin (Novosibirsk State University)


Actual problems of BNCT are the insufficient selectivity of boron delivery agents available at the disposal, the absence of a single protocol for the treatment of patients, the complexity of the use of nuclear reactors in clinical practice and the associated limitations in the use of the method. These problems can be solved by using compact accelerators as neutron sources, with the possibility of installation in a medical facility, the development of a new generation of boron delivery tumorotropic agents and relevant patient treatment protocols. One of the innovative projects is a neutron accelerator for BNCT stand at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in Novosibirsk, Russia. This accelerator produced a neutron beam that fully meets the clinical requirements, which is confirmed by studies on cell cultures and experiments with laboratory animals have made by the Laboratory of biomedical problems of BNCT in Novosibirsk State University. Studies have shown the relative safety of radiation in therapeutic doses with no negative impact on cell cultures and animals, confirmed the effectiveness of BNCT on models of human glioblastoma (U87), colorectal cancer (SW-620), melanoma (SK-Mel28), human breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB231) in vitro and xenografts of tumors in vivo. Our group also investigated biodistribution available boron delivery agents for BNCT - BSH and BPA, production Katchem Ltd., Czech Republic with an isotope content of boron-10 - 99.9% and had made technique for creating a PEG-liposomal form of BSH. The absence of significant toxicity of these drugs was confirmed. Studies on the biodistribution of drugs BSH and BPA, PEG-liposomal form of BSH in laboratory animals (mice SCID) with xenografts tumor (U87) allowed to determine the period of maximum deposition of drugs in the tumor compared to the surrounding tissues, which allowed to achieve a more effective therapeutic effect during therapy and reduce side effects. The studies showed the mechanisms of penetration of liposomes into tumor and normal human cells, the benefits of using liposomes as carriers of boron. It was shown that PEG-liposomal form of BSH provides the most optimal concentrations for BNCT in the model of intracerebral tumor (U87) in comparison with the preparations of BSH, BPA. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 18-29-01007).


Neutron accelerator for BNCT at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics provides optimal beam parameters for research. The use of new boron delivery agents will increase its concentration in the tumor several times compared to existing means, which will increase the effectiveness of therapy. Further research on the therapeutic properties of BNCT in relation to malignant tumors will contribute to the creation of a protocol for the treatment of patients by BNCT on the accelerator, and the introduction of technology into clinical practice.

Primary author

Mr Vladimir Kanygin (Novosibirsk State University)


Mr Aleksandr Kichigin (Novosibirsk State University) Mr Alexandr Zaboronok (University of Tsukuba) Mrs Anna Kasatova (Novosibirsk State University) Mr Evgeny Zavyalov (Institute of Cytology and Genetics) Mr Ivan Razumov (Institute of Cytology and Genetics) Prof. Sergey Taskaev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

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