High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is the first high-energy ring-based synchrotron radiation light source in China. The HEPS is designed with a beam energy of 6GeV and an ultra-low emittance of better than 0.06nm.rad to provide high-energy, high brightness hard X-rays. In phase I for the HEPS 15 public beamlines and corresponding experimental stations will be constructed by Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing. The main HEPS cryogenic users are superconducting frequency (SRF) cavities with 80K thermal shields, cryogenic permanent magnets, cryogenic cooling monochromator and experimental stations. Cooling power of 2.0kW@4.5K is required to maintain operation of the superconducting system and called helium cryogenic plant which will operates in two modes. The modes include 300-150K gradual cooling down at 10K/h and 150-4.5K fast cooling down in 1 hour. And an average capacity 50kW at 80K nitrogen cryogenic plant is also desiged in the HEPS cryogenic system. The nitrogen cryogenic plant is designed with two parts. One is nitrogen refrigerating cycle system for SRF cavity cryomodules and another is a liquid nitrogen suppling and distributing system along the 1360m long storage ring for beamlines. In this paper, the process of the cryogenics of HEPS is presented.