Indus-1 and Indus-2 are electron storage ring based synchrotron radiation sources at RRCAT. Lately few upgrades and additions have been carried out for some of the pulse sources in Indus-2. In this talk, these upgrades / additions to pulse sources in Indus-2 will be discussed. Pulse sources to energise Indus-2 Injection kicker magnets are working in the machine for last 15 years. These pulse sources are working in the machine in severe space constraints with large pulse power assemblies in oil tanks and any maintenance or on site measurements is very cumbersome for the working personnel attending it. So it was planned to design and develop new pulse source with an upgraded design. Efforts were made to reduce the working voltages in the new design and thereby remove the oil assemblies. Pulse source has been designed and developed to deliver 6 kA of peak current with a half sine pulse width of 3usec. in Indus-2 kicker magnet as load. Repetition rate of pulse is 1 pulse per second. Developed pulse source has been tested with Indus-2 kicker magnet in lab.
Also it was decided to equip Indus-2 with two pinger kicker systems. Pinger kicker system will consist of two types of kickers namely horizontal and vertical pinger kicker. These pinger (kicker) magnets are energized by two separate pulse sources. These kickers will generate betatron oscillation in the stored beam (few bunches) of Indus-2 in a synchronised operation. The kickers will act as a tool to probe the linear and non linear dynamics of the beam. The turn by turn oscillations of the beam are captured by beam position monitors of the ring. Two pulse sources to energise these kicker magnets respectively has been developed. Vertical pinger kicker system has already been installed in the ring. Horizontal pinger pulse source development has also been completed and the same has been tested with kicker magnet in lab. Installation and commissioning of horizontal kicker system in Indus-2 ring is also planned shortly. Technical requirement of these pulse sources, their development and test results will also be discussed in this talk.