16-18 March 2021
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

The Cryogenic System of 3W1 Superconducting Wiggler Magnet in HEPS-TF

17 Mar 2021, 13:00
Budker INP

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk, Russia
WG7: Cryogenics, cryomodule and superconducting technology for accelerators WG7


Mr Miaofu Xu (the institute of High Energy Physics)


3W1 SC wiggler with the pole gap of 68 mm have been successfully tested and installed in the BEPC II storage ring in November 2019. The goal of zero liquid helium consumption is achieved, and the residual cooling capacity of cryogenic system is about 0.69 Watt @4.2 K, equivalent to 12% of total cooling capacity of cryogenic system. The 2.6 Tesla magnetic field has been achieved and 3W1-SCW will be operating at 2.49 Tesla, which is acceptable for beam load work, and now experiments are carried out. 3W1-SCW has been operated for more than 6 month and the cryogenic system has been subjected to the impact of magnet quench for three times. The automatic pressure relief valve is opened immediately to discharge the pressure of the helium vessel when the pressure of the helium vessel is higher than set point, and the released helium gas will be automatically stored in helium gas bag.

Primary author

Mr Miaofu Xu (the institute of High Energy Physics)

Presentation Materials