- Pavel Krokovny (BINP)
- Pavel Krokovny (BINP)
- Pavel Krokovny (BINP)
The talk will report the current status and the plan in the near future of Computing and Networking in IHEP.
Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC) has been developing the new generation research infrastructure for broader disciplinary scientific big data applications by distributed cloud technologies in Taiwan. The status, case studies and plans will be updated in this presentation.
Australian Physicists are participants in the Belle II and COMET experiments at KEK, the ATLAS and LHCb experiments at CERN and operate the Australian Synchroton in Melbourne. This presentation will summarise Australia's computing contributions to these activities.
The Tokyo Tier-2 site, which is located in the International Center Elementary Particle Physics at the University of Tokyo, provides computing resources for the ATLAS experiment in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. Status of the site and recent R&D activities, such as an integration of HPC resources to the site, will be reported.
Various types of experiments in the field of accelerator-based science are actively running at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) by using SuperKEKB and J-PARC accelerator in Japan. The computing demand from the recent experiments for the data processing, analysis, and MC simulation is monotonically increasing. According to the computing demand, KEK Central Computing...
The presentation indicates the status of the Super-Charm-Tau factory detector project software development and describes the Budker INP computing facilities providing the required resources.
KREONET (Korea Research Environment Open Network), National Science and Research Network, has provided high performance networking for data-intensive science and multi-disciplinary research in Korea. Practically, the infrastructure and service of KREONET/KREONet2 and several activities for the HEP community such as LHCOPN/LHCONE will be introduced in this talk.
High-energy physics (HEP) has traditionally been studied with experimental, theoretical, and computational simulations combined with e-Science so that it can be studied anytime and anyplace. The recent production of big data needs high-speed data processing and artificial intelligence. As artificial intelligence evolves into machine learning and deep learning, high-energy physics requires a...