Yousuke Nakashima
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
09/08/2016, 09:20
Current status of open magnetic systems for plasma confinement
In this paper an overview of the recent progress and the near future plan of GAMMA 10/PDX project is described. The GAMMA 10/PDX tandem mirror has open magnetic field configuration and improvement of plasma confinement has been demonstrated by using potential formation [1].
By making best use of the open magnetic field, divertor simulation experiments have been started at the end-cell. One...
Peter Bagryansky
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
09/08/2016, 10:00
Current status of open magnetic systems for plasma confinement
Worldwide activity of studies of plasma confinement in magnetic mirror traps decreased dramatically in the late 80's of the last century. The reason is that the mirror concept is thought to have three unattractive characteristics. The magnets are complex, the plasma is plagued with micro-instabilities and the electron temperature would never approach required keV levels. Researches on the Gas...
Taihyeop LHO
(Plasma Technology Research Center, National Fusion Research Institute, Korea)
09/08/2016, 11:10
Current status of open magnetic systems for plasma confinement
PLAMIS-\textrm{II} (PLAsma Material Interaction System) has been upgraded for plasma interaction experiments with various targets, such as Sn, Li, molten salts and ceramics.
Plasma beam of 30kW source is bended 90 degrees to a horizontal target by magnetic field. Target materials are placed on a rotating hearth, which is similar with circular tray and can be heated to 800$^\circ$C. We have...
Xuan Sun
(University of Science and Technology of China)
09/08/2016, 11:50
Current status of open magnetic systems for plasma confinement
KMAX, KeDa Mirror with Axisysmmetricity, is undergoing a major upgrade by adding colliding Field Reserved Configurations (FRCs) in the hope to improve the plasma content in the central cell region. Very much like many current FRC experiments, KMAX-FRCs will be formed on both ends by high voltage pulsed power and simultaneously injected into the central cell for colliding and merging. However,...
Vladimir Postupaev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
09/08/2016, 12:30
Current status of open magnetic systems for plasma confinement
Overview of the activity on the development of the new multiple-mirror trap GOL-NB to be built in Budker Institute will be presented. This device will be created in BINP in several years as a deep conversion of the existing GOL-3 facility. The device will consist of a central trap with two 0.75 MW neutral beams, two multiple-mirror solenoids, two expander tanks and a plasma gun that creates...
Peter Yushmanov
09/08/2016, 12:50
Current status of open magnetic systems for plasma confinement
Without current drive (CD) Field-Reversed-Configuration (FRC) disappears at skin time. Experiments in C-2U in Tri Alpha Energy strongly indicate that FRC survives much longer than skin time and thus suggest that some form of CD exists. In this presentation we are considering conditions under which FRC configuration can be maintained or even expanded. FRC as well as high-β open traps have a...
Mikhail Viktorov
(Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
09/08/2016, 14:10
Study of plasma instabilities in the electron cyclotron frequency range, which were carried out over the last decade at the IAP RAS (Nizhny Novgorod), has resulted in a significant progress in understanding the nature of these processes. The object of our research activities is the nonequilibrium plasma created and sustained by powerful radiation of a gyrotron (80 kW @ 37.5 GHz) under the...
Andrey Kabantsev
(University of California, San Diego)
09/08/2016, 14:50
Experiments and theory on magnetized electron columns have characterized a novel *algebraic* damping of drift "diocotron" modes, caused by a weak flux of electrons through the resonance (critical) layer [1]. This flux-driven damping also eliminates the unwanted ion-induced exponential instability of diocotron modes. Here we suggest that a similar flux-driven damping may mitigate the classical...
Sergey Korepanov
(Tri Alpha Energy)
09/08/2016, 15:10
S.Korepanov for TAE team
A high temperature, stable, long-lived field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma state has been produced in the C-2U device at Tri Alpha Energy. C-2U is the next generation of C-2 device [1-3]. The tangential co-current neutral beam injection power is increased from 4 MW to 10+MW. A new edge plasma rotation control system based on biased plasma generator is used to...
Ilan Be'ery
(Rafael Plasma Lab)
09/08/2016, 15:30
Active feedback can stabilize the violent flute instability and possibly make mirror traps candidates for fusion machines. A fast feedback with optical sensors and electrical actuators was implemented in a table-top mirror machine and used to study several aspects of feedback stabilization. For a cold, dense plasma the feedback reduces dramatically the flute amplitude of the first two mode....
Alexei Beklemishev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
09/08/2016, 16:10
A new efficient method of confinement is proposed for use in linear traps. It is based on effect of diamagnetic expulsion of the magnetic field out of the plasma volume while beta tends to one. This effect is greater in the low-field area and weaker in mirrors, thus, if the plasma pressure grows, the equilibrium in a linear trap changes in such a way that the effective mirror ratio...
Anton Sudnikov
(Budker INP SB RAS)
09/08/2016, 16:30
Recent results of the Gas-Dynamic Trap show the possibility of the quasistationary confinement of the plasma with high relative pressure ($\beta\approx60$%), mean energy of hot ions of 12 keV and the electron temperature up to 0.9 keV [1]. Highly conservative extrapolation of the Gas-Dynamic Trap physics to the optimized 10-meter-long machine with D–T fuel leads to the concept of the neutron...
Ryutaro MINAMI
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
09/08/2016, 16:50
Electron cyclotron heating (ECH) power modulation experiments in GAMMA 10 tandem mirror have been started in order to generate and control the high heat flux and to make the ELM (edge localized mode) like intermittent heat load pattern for divertor simulation studies. ECH for potential formation at plug region (P-ECH) produces electron flow with high energy along the magnetic filed line. Heat...
Ivan Ivanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
09/08/2016, 17:10
Further advances of a multiple-mirror plasma confinement concept [1] previously developed in the Schegol and GOL-3 experiments in the BINP will continue with a new GOL-NB facility [2]. Unlike previous generations of traps, GOL-NB will focus on the quasi-stationary multiple-mirror confinement of neutral-beam-heated plasma with moderate parameters: $T \sim 30-100 eV$ and $n \sim...
Cary Forest
(University of Wisconsin, Madison)
10/08/2016, 09:00
The leak width of plasma in the WiPAL multi-dipole ring cusp$^1$ has been directly measured using a novel array of probes embedded in the insulating plasma limiters.
The large plasma volume ($\approx$10 m$^3$), small loss area associated with strong rare earth permanent magnets, and large heating power ($\le$ 200 kW) allowed for
a broad range of electron temperatures, ion temperatures,...
Peter Yushmanov
(Tri Alpha Energy)
10/08/2016, 09:40
Reducing electron heat losses in the open field region of FRC is important for sustaining higher temperature in the core and favorable beam energy deposition. Here, at Tri Alpha Energy, magnetic expander divertor will be used to attain these objectives in C-2W - next generation FRC device. A 3-D (2 velocity and 1 spatial) Vlasov Fokker Planck code Ksol has been developed to study the electron...
Elena Soldatkina
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 10:00
Most part of open magnetic systems has the device for the expansion of the plasma stream flowing out of the trap. Using of such a magnetic nozzle (expander) allows solving a series of physical and technical challenges: to reduce the thermal load on the end wall, to carry out direct recuperation of plasma energy into electricity, and so on. In addition, expanding magnetic field can also...
Ivan Chernoshtanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 10:20
Azimuthal current generation in a mirror trap via powerful off-axis neutral beam injection [1] is method of field-reversal configuration (FRC) formation. Theoretical consideration [2] shows that method faces with numerous difficulties, for example, MHD instabilities of high pressure plasma and fast ions current cancellation by electron current at field null. Experimental investigation of...
Jay Anderson
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
10/08/2016, 10:40
Reconnection-driven heating of ions is a powerful process in many astrophysical and laboratory plasmas, including CT merging and reversed-field pinch (RFP) discharges. The RFP is often characterized by rapid ion heating during impulsive reconnection, generating an ion distribution with an enhanced bulk temperature, mainly perpendicular to magnetic field. In the Madison Symmetric Torus RFP, a...
R.W. (Bob) Harvey
10/08/2016, 11:00
The CQL3D bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck (FP) code [1] has been widely applied within the tokamak modeling community. For the reported work, it has been augmented to include axisymmetric open-field-line geometry, suitable for calculation of energetic ion and electron distributions in the low collisionality, tau_bounce << tau_collision, regime of energetic particles in mirrors. Our target...
Ivan Emelev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The results of the experimental study of build-up and confinement of low-temperature plasma target for neutralization of high energy negative ion beam are presented in the paper.
The plasma target cylindrical vacuum chamber is 1.2 m long and 0.2 m in diameter. The axisymmetric multicusp magnetic field is formed at the periphery of the target chamber by using an array of the permanent NdFeB...
Olga Korobeynikova
(Budker INP SB RAS)
, Dr
Sergey Murakhtin
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
A longitudinal ion and energy transport through the magnetic mirror appears to be the dominant problem in open magnetic traps physics. Cold electrons flow from field expansion area has been found to be the main mechanism that limits target plasma heating in the central cell of the Gas Dynamic Trap (GDT). One of the dominant cold electrons sources may appear a residual neutral gas in the...
Yutaro Umeda
(Osaka Prefecture University)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In the design of fusion reactors for high power and long pulse operation, vast heat flux will be expected and perfectly detached plasma must be produced and sustained much more reliably. In a linear divertor plasma simulator TPD-SheetIV[1], so-called long leg divertor configuration is constructed by connecting the rectangular duct to the entrance of the V-shaped divertor and studied its effect...
Sergey Polosatkin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk State Technical University)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Neutral beam (NB) injector for the TCV tokamak has been designed to produce a deuterium beam with energy 30 keV, equivalent current up to 50 A, and pulse duration 2 s. The injector operation is accompanied by generation of fast neutrons produced in deuterium-deuterium collisions via a nuclear fusion reaction D(D,n)3He. Main sources of the neutrons are a a beam neutralizer and a...
Sergei V. Ryzhkov
(Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
10/08/2016, 15:00
There are several areas that require the use of fusion technology, knowledge and technical solutions already at present, before the commissioning of stationary thermonuclear systems, e.g. fusion-fission hybrid reactor to burn transuranic and minor actinide fuels. The study of heat and burning in compression (due to fast liners and powerful drivers) of plasma in extreme heat conditions is one...
Petr Deichuli
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The power neutral beam injector has the power density few tens of kW/cm$^2$ at a normal surface to the beam axis. The problem of the reliable beam absorber and calorimeter is complicate enougth at a such power density. Typically the turbulized water flow at high speed required which encrease both the water discharge and the hydraulic drop. A simple design of the MW power beam target based on...
Md. Maidul Islam
(Plasma research center, University of Tsukuba Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In magnetically confined plasmas, optimization of particle fueling is a critical issue to obtain high performance plasmas. In large fusion devices, most of the particles supplied by gas puffing are ionized in the peripheral region. Pellet injection can reduce the edge recycling and help to obtain a peak density profile. However, this system is complicated and it is not easy to make a pellet...
Ryutaro Minami
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
10/08/2016, 15:00
High-power millimeter-wave gyrotrons for fusion plasma applications are designed for continuous-wave or long-pulse operation. It becomes an indispensable tool for controlled fusion ECH and ECCD experiments. Recently, many studies[1,2,3] have devoted to high-power and long-pulse gyrotrons and multi-frequency gyrotrons are required for experimental flexibility and research collaborations. In the...
Andrey Shoshin
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Results from different facilities for PSI studies are compared and their relevance to each other and conditions of ITER transient events are discussed.
For PSI studies at the GOL-3 we can use different e-beam sources and can vary energy loads to the targets form 0.3 to 30 MJ/m$^2$. For PSI studies also used tokamaks, linear plasma machines including QSPA (quasi-stationary plasma...
Klara Mitosinkova
(1. Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2. Faculty Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Two identical Neutral Beam Injectors (NBI) were designed and manufactured in the Budker Institute, Novosibirsk for the COMPASS tokamak at IPP CAS, Prague. Each of them generates a neutral atom beam with energy up to 40 keV and total power up to 350 kW. The injector is composed of the ion source, the accelerating and focusing grids and the neutralizer. The ion source is filled with the working...
Anna Efimova
(The Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Computer simulation of dynamic of plasma target for highly efficient neutralization of powerful negative ion beams is considered. The plasma is confined within a magnetic trap with multipole magnetic walls. The inverse magnetic mirrors to limit plasma outflow through the inlet and outlet holes in the trap are used. Mathematical model is based on Boltzmann’s equation for the distribution...
Egor Gospodchikov
(Institute of Applied Physics RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
A technique is proposed for the energy deposition profile adjustment at electron cyclotron resonance heating using relatively small perturbation of the external magnetic field in an axisymmetric magnetic trap. This method is based on high sensitivity of EC power deposition profile of quasi-longitudinal propagating right-polarized electromagnetic waves to radial inhomogenity of external...
Vasily Erofeev
10/08/2016, 15:00
In plasmas, the physics of transport phenomena notably depends on Coulomb collisions. Real plasmas are substituted, either explicitly or in indirect form, by probabilistic plasma ensembles in the usual theoretical considerations of the effect of the collisions on the plasma evolution. We have repeatedly shown earlier that such a substitution substantially lessens the reliability of plasma...
Egor Gospodchikov
(Institute of Applied Physics RAS; BINP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Microwave heating of electrons under the electron cyclotron resonance conditions is one of the most efficient ways to increase the electron temperature of magnetically confined plasmas. Recent pprogress plasma confinement in axially symmetric magnetic traps led to the achievement of regimes, in which the ratio between plasma pressure and the magnetic field pressure ($\beta$) can be of the...
Vadim Skalyga
(Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciencies)
10/08/2016, 15:00
During recent research in the IAP RAS a new type of ECR ion sources with plasma heating by powerful gyrotron millimeter wave radiation was developed. Due to the high frequency and power of heating microwaves plasma with unique parameters (density of about 10$^{13}$ cm$^{-3}$, the electron temperature of 100 eV and a temperature of the order of 1 eV ions) could be created in a magnetic trap of...
Alexei Beklemishev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Design of the Helical Plasma Thruster [1] is based on axial acceleration of rotating magnetized plasmas in magnetic field with helical corrugation, similar to principles incorporated into SMOLA open trap [2]. The idea is that the propellant ionization zone can be placed into the local magnetic well, so that initial ions are trapped. The $E\times B$ plasma rotation is provided by an applied...
Ryutaro Minami
(University of Tsukuba)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The electron cyclotron heating (ECH) is essential for tandem mirror devices to achieve potential confinement and high electron temperature. A gyrotron is a powerful and an essential tool for ECH. Recent progress of the gyrotron has widened the use of gyrotrons for fusion research. High power and long pulse operations of the gyrotron and the efficient transmission of its output are quite...
Ivan Izotov
(Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Development of a new generation of D-D neutron generators based on high-current gasdynamic ECR sources of deuterium ions requires engineering and creation of a neutron-generating target containing deuterium.
Existing D-D neutron generators consist of deuterium ion (deuteron) source with extracted beam energy of 100–200 keV and deuterium saturated neutron production target. The deuteron beam...
Petr Deichuli
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
A high power, relatively low energy neutral beam injector was developed to upgrade the neutral
injection system for magnetic trap. The proton or deuterium beam of the ion source has the particle energy of 15 keV and current up to 170 A at a pulse duration of 30 milliseconds. The plasma emitter of the ion source is produced by superimposing highly
ionized plasma jets from an array of four...
Sergey Murakhtin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The main problem in open magnetic traps is a longitudinal energy transport through a magnetic mirror. Heating target plasma in the central cell Gas Dynamic Trap (GDT) is limited reversed flow of cold electrons from the region expander. The interaction of cold electrons space charge and ambipolar potential can lead to deformation of the electrostatic potential and emerging of "trapped"...
Vladislav Sklyarov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The motivation of the research activity at the GOL-3T device [1] is to study sub-THz wave generation in a plasma column due to intense relativistic electron beam-plasma interaction [2]. To solve this task, a special complex of diagnostics was developed. This complex is intended to measure main plasma and beam parameters and also the characteristics of the electromagnetic waves.
The plasma...
Stanislav Sinitsky
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Sub-terahertz emission from a plasma column at exciting strong Langmuir oscillation by a high current relativistic electron beam (REB) was experimentally studied at the GOL-3 facility (BINP)1. The typical parameters of the beam used in the experiments, were the following: 0.5÷0.7 MeV/20 kA/10 mcs. In recent experiments the beam current density was about 1÷2 kA/cm$^2$ in a plasma column with...
Ivan Chernoshtanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Alfvén ion-cyclotron (AIC) instability is an electromagnetic instability which leads to excitation of elliptically-polarized waves rotating in the direction of ion gyro-rotation and propagating along external magnetic field. The instability causes anomalous ions scattering and can influences on particles and energy losses. For example, confinement in the central cell of TMX device was limited...
Victor Bochkov
(Pulsed Technologies ltd.)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The problem of plasma structure stabilization is highly relevant for systems of low- and high-temperature plasma, in particular fusion experiment, and in order to cope with the problem different special configurations of current and magnetic systems are developed and deployed. However, the available solutions require construction of complex magnetic fields and consume considerable amounts of...
Kunpei Nojiri
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
10/08/2016, 15:00
$\quad$In GAMMA 10/PDX tandem mirror, divertor simulation experiments have been carried out by using a divertor simulation experimental module (D-module) installed in the west end region. To understand characteristics of plasma detachment in the module, electron temperature and density distributions of the divertor simulation plasma have been measured by Langmuir probes. The D-module consists...
Andrey Sanin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
G. Abdrashitov, Yu. Belchenko, A. Ivanov, S. Konstantinov, A. Sanin, N. Stupishin, O. Sotnikov and I. Shikhovtsev
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
A stable H- beam with a current $\sim$1A and energy 90 kV was routinely extracted and accelerated from the long-pulse surface-plasma source prototype, developed at BINP...
Martin Griswold
(Tri Alpha Energy)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The C-2U experiment at Tri Alpha Energy can sustain advanced beam-driven field- reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas for 5+ ms. An end loss analyzer system was developed to study thermal transport on the open field lines that surround the FRC core and connect it to the divertors through magnetic end plugs. The system is mounted directly to the divertor electrode and consists of gridded...
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In the tandem mirror device GAMMA 10/PDX in University of Tsukuba, divertor simulation experiments were conducted for analyzing physical mechanism of detachment plasma [1-3]. The divertor simulation experimental module (D-module), in which a V-shaped target is mounted, was installed in the west end-cell of GAMMA 10/PDX. In the GAMMA 10/PDX, heat flux measurements have been carried out by using...
Mikhail Viktorov
(Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In this work a new experimental approach is suggested to study interaction of supersonic (ion Mach number up to $2.7$) dense (up to $10^{15}$ cm$^{-3}$) plasma flows with inhomogeneous magnetic field (an arched magnetic trap with a field strength up to $3.3$ T) which opens wide opportunities to model space plasma processes in laboratory conditions. Fully ionized plasma flows with density from...
Dmitriy Skovorodin
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Performance of flash radiography units implies a high spatial resolution. Thus, focused electron beams are utilized to produce bremsstrahlung x-ray at the solid target. It results in the strong heating of the target up to 1-10 eV temperature and formation of dense plasma. The plasma expands into vacuum after the pulse of electron beam. In case of multi-pulse operation mode of radiography unit...
Sergey Polosatkin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk State Technical University)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Helicons (circularly-polarized electromagnetic waves) propagate in a plasma with density exceeded cut-off for its frequency, and provide effective energy delivery to plasma. Accordingly, helicon discharge is one of the most suitable way for production of high-density low-temperature plasma. Helicon plasma sources, operating in the MHz frequency range and respectively low magnetic fields...
Aleksandr Brul
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
, Mr
Alexey Sorokin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Thriode ion optical system is used typically in high power neutral beam injectors. The geometry of elementary cell is result of many factors such as beam parameters, aplying plasma source type and availabel fabrication technologies. The first (extracting grid) is most important for high-quality beam formation. A new design of the extracting grid in accelerating elementary cell of multy-slit...
Egor Pinzhenin
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Gas dynamic trap facility (GDT) is axisymmetric magnetic mirror trap for fusion plasma confinement [1]. There are fusion reactions in GDT during deuterium injection:
D + D -> He3 (0.82 MeV) + n (2.45 MeV)
D + D -> T (1.01 MeV) + p (3.02 MeV)
Thus registration of fusion reaction products is important contactless plasma diagnostics. This diagnostics contains information about fast...
Vadim Skalyga
(Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Operation of modern high power accelerators often requires production of intense beams of hydrogen ions. H+ and D+ beams are utilized or envisioned for use in linear accelerators. Requirements for the brightness of such beams grow together with the demand of accelerator development and arising experimental needs. New facilities aiming at outperforming the previous generation accelerators are...
Yuriy Trunev
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics are studied the dynamics of tungsten erosion by pulsed electron beam with parameters of heat loads close to the ELM-type events in ITER. For these studies used a number of sophisticated optical measurements such as laser scattering, high-speed photography and so on, but one must also to clearly understand which part of the energy of the beam is absorbed...
Vadim Prikhodko
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Spatial profile of electric potential is one of the principal plasma characteristics. However, potential have never been measured directly in high-temperature regimes of plasma in Gas-Dynamic Trap (GDT) device. Presented report is dedicated to the project of heavy ion beam probe (HIBP) for measurements of electric potential along plasma diameter at the midplane of GDT device. Beam of primary...
Alexei Beklemishev
(Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia)
, Prof.
W. Horton
(University of Texas at Austin, USA)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The successful high mirror ratio Rm=Bmax/Bmin=35 Gas Dynamic Trap [1] mirror machine may provide an economical path for a high neutron fluence fusion device. Neutron flux of order 2$~$MW/m$^2$ 1yr is required to determine the life-time of various wall designs for future toroidal fusion power reactors. These neutron fluences are well beyond the reach of the current ITER, Large Helical Device...
Alexey Sorokin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The 15 kV, 2 MW neutral beam injector (NBI) was developed for C-2U magnetic trap experiments. Important part of the NBI is efficient pumping system which provided a good vacuum condition during beam pulse. The pressure rise during the NBI operation and accompanying gas flow to the fusion device is a negative factor both for the beam transportation and for fusion experiment. The high-speed...
Ryuya Ikezoe
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In the GAMMA10/PDX tandem mirror, divertor simulation experiments are carried out in the west end region. In order to control end loss ions, ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) waves are used. In previous experiments, we achieved two-times increases of the particle flux ($1.7×10^{23}m^{-2}s^{-1}$) while the parallel ion temperature was 100eV at the end region during ICRF heating in the...
Nina Sorokina
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk State Technical University)
, Dr
Sergey Polosatkin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk State University)
10/08/2016, 15:00
A project of a new linear device for confinement of fusion plasmas is under development in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk. The new facility named GDMT utilizes several physical effects discovered and studied in the last decade on the GOL-3 and GDT devices. In the GDMT device, plasmas with fast sloshing ions will be confined in an axially-symmetric solenoid with...
Alexei Chirkov
(Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The effect of a small amount of lithium is considered that it improves the energy balance of D–D fusion. From the Lawson criterion viewpoint, optimal lithium to deuterium density ratio is 0.3–0.4. Yield in neutrons with energy of 14 MeV is about 50% by the addition of lithium-6 and about 35% by the addition of lithium-7. Temperature of 100 keV is required. Possibility of the use of such a fuel...
Arkadi Kreter
(Forschungszentrum Juelich)
10/08/2016, 15:00
JULE-PSI is a linear plasma device to investigate the response of neutron pre-damaged materials (including toxic materials such as beryllium) to steady – state plasma loads and transient heat loads provided by laser irradiation. JULE-PSI will be equipped with a target analysis and exchange chamber to characterize the material surface in-vacuo and will be located inside of a Hot Cell to allow...
Dobrynya Kolodko
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
10/08/2016, 15:00
Beam-plasma discharge is used in PR-2 (fig.1) [1]. Plasma parameters can be varied in a wide range. It is important to know the longitudinal electron energy distribution. Precise definition of electron energy distribution function allows interpreting Langmuir probe characteristics in a more accurate way. In addition, it allows understanding processes in auto-oscillating regime at...
Vasilii Stepanov
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
For effective generation of THz-radiation in experiments on beam - plasma interaction the relativistic electron beam with small angular divergence of the electrons and high current density is required. To produce such beams at electron energy $\sim$1MeV and current of about few tens of kA the creation of reliable diagnostics for measuring the angular divergence of the beam electrons in the...
Aleksey Arakcheev
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Transient events in large plasma devices lead to significant heat loads to plasma-facing components. The experimental simulations of pulsed heat loads on tungsten demonstrate crack formation [1]. The failure is caused by mechanical stresses in a material with non-uniform temperature distribution. In the case of a thin heated surface layer the stress is oriented parallel to the surface and is...
Nikolay Stupishin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Diagnostic neutral beam injector on the based arc-discharge plasma generator with cold cathode has been produced and successfully tested at BINP for upgraded T-15 tokamak (Kurchatov Institute, Moscow).
One of the main advantages of cold cathode type of arc plasma source is a high proton fraction 80%–90%. However, the lifetime of the plasma source is limited due to intensive electrode’s...
Oleg Sotnikov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The essential feature of BINP N-NBI design is the negative ion beam transporting from the source to a single-aperture 0.5-1 MeV accelerating tube via a low energy beam transport line (LEBT). This scheme purifies the beam from the co-streaming fluxes of electrons, hydrogen atoms and molecules, and cesium vapor. As a result the stresses of the accelerating tube are considerably reduced. It will...
Vladimir Batkin
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
GOL-NB facility [1] is now developing for investigation of confinement of plasma with moderate turbulence in multi-mirror magnetic trap. Neutral injection is considered in this project as a main mean of heating plasma. The report presents status of GOL-NB team working on neutral injectors. In developing these injectors it was took into account experience of application neutral beam in GOL-3...
Alexandr Kasatov
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Erosion is highly increased under impact of intense transient heat loads corresponding to ELM type I events in ITER. The heightened erosion is associated with melt layer creation and ejection of dust particles.
High power electron beam (up to 10 MW, up to 0.3 ms) is employed for experimental simulation of the impact of intense transient heat loads at the level expected for ELMs type I in...
Alexander Vasilyev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk State University)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Plasma-facing components undergo severe transient heat loads (up to 10 MJ/m$^2$) in the reactor-size tokamaks caused by the various plasma instabilities (type I ELMs, VDEs, etc.) and disruptions. Such conditions lead to erosion of the divertor material (cracks, melting, dust formation, droplet ejection, etc.) and can induce mechanical destruction of the tungsten plates and plasma cooling due...
Dmitriy Skovorodin
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In recent experiment on the GDT the longitudinal oscillations of plasma were observed [1]. The mode is discrete with frequency close to the bounce frequency of hot ions. It has typically zero angular wave-number and seems to be radially correlated. While the oscillation looks like sound-like standing wave it is well known that in plasma with hot ions the ion sound wave should be dumped...
Particle-in-cell simulations of 100 KeV electron beam interaction with a thin magnetized plasma.
Vladimir Annenkov
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Beam-plasma interaction plays an important role in different physical systems relevant to gamma-ray bursts, generation of high-energy cosmic rays, type III solar radio bursts as well as in laboratory beam-plasma experiments. It has been observed that the beam-plasma interaction at the GOL-3 mirror trap results in the intensive sub-THz radiation near $\omega_p$ and $2\omega_p$. The most...
Mayya Korshounova
(Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The comparative analysis of various thermodynamic models for calculation of a plasma state which are based on statistical model of Thomas-Fermi (without quantum and exchange corrections) and quantum-mechanical model of Hartree-Fock-Slater (the Hartree model - without taking into account the exchange correction) is done. It is observed that numerical calculations of a charge and potential in a...
omri seemann
10/08/2016, 15:00
A new table top mirror machine was built in order to research ways to mitigate the
flute instability prevalent in these machines.
One previously researched method for accomplishing this is using oscillatory fields in the ion cyclotron frequency range. Several mechanisms were suggested to stabilize the system. These include either single particle pondermotive forces, macroscopic forces or...
Pavel Frolko
(Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Since the introduction of the term "helicon" scientific community's interest in this phenomenon grew. Currently, several international groups conducted a number of large-scale experiments in this field of plasma physics [1-9]. These studies have shown that the installations based on helicon discharge are very attractive as a source of high density plasma due to the large resource...
Dmitriy Skovorodin
10/08/2016, 15:00
Axially symmetric magnetic mirrors could be attractive as neutron source and alternative fusion reactor [1,2]. Plasma losses from mirrors are dominated by longitudinal outflow. Ions are confined between mirrors in central region of trap. Commonly plasma in a trap has positive electrostatic potential that holds the electron loss equal to the ion loss. The secondary emission of electrons from...
Evgeniy Kolesnikov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Recent success in a plasma stabilization, heating and confinement in Gas Dynamic Trap (GDT) is negated by short plasma lifetime (5 ms). Transition processes such as particle buildup, ion and electron thermalization, etc. are still underway then heating sources are turned off. In this work we propose a project of a GDT-based stationary plasma experiment with pulse length long enough to finish...
Ivan Ivanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In the paper, last experiment’s results on sub-THz wave emission from the area of relativistic electron beam-plasma interaction in the GOL-PET device are described [1]. A plasma column with the diameter of 6 cm, length of 2.5 m and its density $(0.2-2)\times10^{15}~cm^{-3}$ is confined by multiple-mirror magnetic field with mean value of 4 T. The electron beam (REB) injected into the column,...
Tom Simonen
(Berkeley California)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Recent advances in high-field superconducting technology together with the development of MeV neutral beams and multi-megawatt high-frequency gyrotrons provide motivation to consider Generation II tandem mirror fusion concepts which could burn a range of fuels from DT to DD to possibly p11B. Advanced fuels require high electron temperatures in the end plugs but lower electron temperatures in...
Alexei Beklemishev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Sections with helical corrugation of the magnetic field are currently considered for supplemental improvement of axial confinement in gas-dynamic mirror traps [1,2]. The $E\times B$ plasma rotation in such a field leads to the effective axial motion of magnetic mirrors. If it is coupled to enhanced plasma scattering (to facilitate ion exchanges between trapped and passing populations) such...
Maxim Ivantsivskiy
10/08/2016, 15:00
One of the important engineering issue of mirror-based reactors is a neutron shielding of reactor construction and diagnostics, and providing the human access to the maintenance area. Unfortunately, in modern plasma society have not examples of big open plasma installation that can be using for investigating this question. That is why to very important to use experience of the ITER project...
Vladimir Davydenko
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Series of neutral beams with ballistic focusing were developed in several recent years for fusion studies in Budker Insitute. Diagnostic neutral beam injectors for large stellarator W-7X and tokamak T-15 were produced and tested. A high power, relatively low energy neutral beam injector was developed to upgrade of the neutral beam system of the gas dynamic trap device and C2-U experiment. The...
Akihiro Terakado
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
10/08/2016, 15:00
$\quad$Understanding of divertor plasma phenomena is one of the most important issues for the stable plasma sustainment. A divertor plate was exposed to high heat and particle fluxes. To reduce the heat load on the divertor plate, divertor detachment is effective. In GAMMA 10/PDX, a divertor simulation experimental module (D-module) has been installed in the west-end region to study divertor...
Ivan Sorokin
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
10/08/2016, 15:00
Stationary plasma diagnostics of local parameters and ion mass-spectrum are necessary to control discharge regimes and plasma composition during the experiments. Corpuscular diagnostics of plasma ion flux can provide information about plasma-chemical kinetic of the discharge. Usually optical spectroscopy is used for determination of the plasma composition [1, 2], but often it cannot deliver...
Peter Bagryansky
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The unique result obtained in the seventies of the last century on 2SIIB (LLNL, USA) device [1] gives reason to expect for the possibility of realization of reversed magnetic field configuration in a mirror trap with powerful neutral beams. Ratio between diamagnetic field perturbation and vacuum magnetic field B/B=0.9 was achieved with 7 MW of full power of neutral beams and current density...
Grigory Shulzhenko
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
, Dr
Timur Akhmetov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/08/2016, 15:00
A plane circular LaB$_6$ cathode and a hollow anode are used for the arc discharge plasma production in a newly developed linear plasma device with the axially symmetric magnetic field. The cathode is heated by radiation from a graphite foil flat spiral. A separately powered magnetic coil located around the plasma source is used to vary the radial distance between the outermost magnetic field...
Eugene Kuzmin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Helicon plasma source was developed as a prototype for application in linear plasma devises for plasma material interaction. Using Nagoya-type-III antenna hydrogen plasma is produced at 13.56 MHz frequency and with rf power up to 5 kW inside a quartz discharge chamber of 108 mm outer diameter and 400 mm axial length. Five coils installed outside the discharge chamber produce the magnetic field...
Yousuke Nakashima
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In order to realize nuclear fusion reactors, it is one of the most important issues that the development of plasma facing materials. For example, the materials used in the divertor are exposed to high heat plasma-flow and are significantly damaged. Heat-load characteristics of the materials have been researched in all over the world by using various heat sources such as particle beams and...
Md. Shahinul ISLAM
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan)
10/08/2016, 15:00
GAMMA 10/PDX is the world's largest linear device which is 27 m long. In GAMMA 10/PDX, divertor simulation experiments have been started by using a divertor simulation experimental module (D-module) in which a V-shaped target made of tungsten has been installed [1]. In order to understand the effect of impurity injection into the D-module, we injected impurity Ar gas into the D-module and...
Masayuki Yoshikawa
(University of Tsukuba)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Divertor magnetic field configuration has been utilized to protect the nuclear fusion reactor from high heat flow from fusion plasmas. The reduction of the heat load to the divertor plate by promoting the radiation cooling is an important subject to form the detached plasma [1-3].
GAMMA 10/PDX consists of central-cell, anchor-cell, plug/barrier-cell and end-cell. Plasma heating devices, such...
Magomedrizy Atlukhanov
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
Atomic powerful sources will be used as a source of heating of the plasma in future fusion reactors. To achieve high power efficiency of neutral injection the target with high neutralization coefficient is necessary in such systems. Currently, the main approach to neutralize the ion beams is to use a gas target, the effectiveness of which at high energies (1 MeV) does not exceed 60%. In...
Vladimir Popov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
According to modern concepts in a fusion reactor with magnetic confinement first wall will be exposed to continuous and pulsed plasma flows, neutrons, and so on, leading to damage of the materials. So the continuous heat load to divertor plates in the experimental fusion reactor ITER is supposed to be about 10 MW/m$^2$ and a pulsed heat loads up to 10 GW/m$^2$ during few milliseconds [1]. Such...
Evgeniya Volchok
(Budker INP SB RAS, NSU)
10/08/2016, 15:00
The problem of electromagnetic radiation from plasma near the plasma frequency and its second harmonic has been actively studied for decades. At this moment, there are many different approaches to this problem. However, most of them assume that the plasma size significantly exceeds the wavelength of generated radiation. Our interest to this problem is motivated by the experiments on the...
Vitaly Astrelin
(Budker INP SB RAS)
10/08/2016, 15:00
In the Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS on the open magnetic trap GOL-3 the experiments are carried out on an electron beam generation (up to 80 keV, 100 А, diameter up to 8 cm) in the multiaperture diode with plasma emitter [1]. The beam is formed in moderate (0.01-0.1 T) magnetic field and is injected into the trap along increasing magnetic field up to 0.3 T. A beam duration is limited...
Aleksandr Burdakov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
11/08/2016, 09:00
A fusion reactor concept on the basis of a linear trap is developing in BINP. These studies incorporate multiple-mirror sections which should reduce significantly longitudinal plasma losses from a confinement zone as an important element of a central trap. The most efficient operation regime of multiple-mirror sections is at the mean free path of ions approximately equal to the length of an...
Alexander Dunaevsky
(Tri Alpha Energy)
11/08/2016, 09:40
Alternative to DT fusion fuels such as pB11 could provide truly clean and abundant energy source. Projection to pB11 reactor based on advanced, neutral beam driven FRC plasma configuration developed in TAE will be discussed in the presentation. New data for pB11 cross section1) predict higher fusion rates than it was assumed before and opens possibility to achieve higher Q than it was expected...
Alexander Ivanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
11/08/2016, 10:20
In the paper, we present and discuss the Budker Institute long term plans for laying the plasma physics database for an advanced fuel fusion reactor based on the axisymmetric linear magnetic trap. General approach to development of the reactor utilizes the idea of confinement of a plasma with utmost pressure value confined in the linear device with the multi-mirror end sections attached at...
Irina Schweigert
11/08/2016, 11:20
A series of stationary two-dimensional
(both parallel and transverse to the magnetic field) weak
double layers with three, four, or more potential steps
has been observed in a laboratory experiment in magnetized plasma
in Ref. [1].
In this work, we present the results of kinetic and experimental study
of the effect of magnetic
field configuration on the nonthermal plasma...
Dmitry Yurov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
11/08/2016, 11:40
Suggested report is dedicated to the assessment of capabilities of fusion neutron sources (FNSs) predominantly designed for using within subcritical hybrids for nuclear technology applications and based either on gas-dynamic trap (GDT) [1] or on the concept of gas-dynamic multiple-mirror trap (GDMT) [2]. The former of the mentioned mirror machines is an experimental facility under operation in...
Dehong Chen
(Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 350 Shushanhu Road, Hefei, Anhui, 230031, China)
11/08/2016, 12:00
Gas Dynamic Trap (GDT) is very attractive as a kind of fusion neutron source for material test and driving transmutation reactor due to its linear and compact structure, easiness of construction and maintenance, relatively low cost and tritium consumption. These years, two type of conceptual designs of GDT-based neuron source, named FDS-GDT, have been designed by extrapolating from GDT...
Andrey Anikeev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
11/08/2016, 12:20
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in worldwide collaboration develops a project of a 14 MeV neutron source for fusion material studies and other applications [1,2]. The projected neutron source of plasma type is based on the gas dynamic trap (GDT), which is a special magnetic mirror system for plasma confinement [3]. Essential progress in plasma parameters was performed in recent experiments...
Andrey Arzhannikov
(Novosibirsk State University)
11/08/2016, 12:40
Thorium-uranium power industry has a number of advantages over uranium-plutonium one and a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor with thorium fuel is very attractive for application in Russian Federation. Fuel assemblies filled by pellets with microencapsulated thorium-uranium kernels should be used in such reactors. In open fuel cycle the operation time of such reactor will be up to 10 years....
Yousuke Nakashima
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
11/08/2016, 14:00
The divertor simulation research has been started by making use of high heat-flux plasma flow from the large tandem mirror device GAMMA 10/PDX in Plasma Research Center [1-2]. A crucial advantage of using large tandem mirror is a capability of generating ion flux with high temperature (100$\sim$ 400 eV) comparable to SOL plasma parameters and its controllability.$\\$
In GAMMA 10/PDX,...
Mizuki Sakamoto
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
11/08/2016, 14:20
In GAMMA 10/PDX, studies on the boundary plasma and plasma surface interaction have been done using the end region making best use of the tandem mirror device. The features of GAMMA 10/PDX for the boundary plasma and PSI studies are the following: (1) high ion temperature of the plasma exposed to the D-module (i.e. a few hundreds eV), (2) high magnetic field (0.15 $\sim$ 1.5 T), (3) large...
Naomichi Ezumi
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
11/08/2016, 14:40
Ion sensitive probe (ISP) is an electrical probe used for measuring ion temperature (Ti) in magnetized plasmas [1]. Simultaneously, electron temperature (Te) and plasma space potential (Vs) are also available. Recently, the ISP was installed in the divertor simulation module (D-module) of the largest tandem mirror plasma device GAMMA 10/PDX in order to evaluate the property of the high...
Igor Poznyak
11/08/2016, 15:00
Tungsten is foreseen presently as the main candidate armour material for the divertor targets in ITER. During tokamak transient processes, such as Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) and mitigated disruptions, the armour material is exposed to intense streams of hot plasma that can cause a severe erosion of the exposed material. Erosion restricts lifetime of the divertor components and leads to...
Aleksey Arakcheev
(Budker INP SB RAS)
11/08/2016, 15:20
The residual mechanical deformation and stress were measured in the preliminary experiments carried out at synchrotron radiation (SR) scattering stations on VEPP-3 in the Siberian Center of Synchrotron and Terahertz Radiation. The deformation and stress were calculated on the base of the dependence of the scattering angle on the inclination of the tungsten sample. Significant changes in the SR...
Leonid Vyacheslavov
(Budker INP SB RAS)
11/08/2016, 15:40
L.N. Vyacheslavov$^{1,2}$, A.S. Arakcheev$^{1,2,3}$, A.V. Burdakov$^{1,2,3}$, I.V. Kandaurov$^{1,2}$, A.A. Kasatov$^{1,2}$, V.V. Kurkuchekov$^{1}$, V.A. Popov$^{1,2}$, A.A. Shoshin$^{1,2}$ , D.I. Skovorodin$^{1,2}$, Yu.A. Trunev$^{1}$, A.A.$~$Vasilyev$^{1,2}$
1 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences,;...
Arkadi Kreter
(Forschungszentrum Juelich)
11/08/2016, 16:00
The fuel retention and the lifetime of plasma-facing components are critical plasma-material interaction factors potentially limiting the availability of a magnetic fusion reactor. Linear plasma devices are excellent test beds for investigating specific questions of plasma-material interaction. The materials can be tested under well-defined exposure conditions relevant to both divertor and...
Andrej Lizunov
(Budker Institute of nuclear physics)
12/08/2016, 09:00
The method of measurement of magnetic fields in plasmas based on the motional Stark effect (MSE) was first developed in 1989 [1]. Since the first implementation, diagnostics based on this approach became a premier instrument for measurements of magnetic and electric fields in magnetically confined plasmas. In the gas dynamic trap mirror device (GDT) [2], a spectral MSE diagnostics deliver...
Masayuki Yoshikawa
(University of Tsukuba)
12/08/2016, 09:20
In the tandem mirror GAMMA 10/PDX, the yttrium-aluminium-garnet (YAG)- Thomson scattering (TS) system have been constructed for electron temperature and density radial profile measurements. GAMMA 10/PDX is an effectively axisymmetrized minimum-B anchored tandem mirror with thermal barrier at both end-mirrors and a divertor simulation module is installed in the west end cell for divertor...
Kiyong Lee
(National Fusion Research Institute)
12/08/2016, 09:40
Having very fine spatial resolution of 63 measurable points along a 25-mm line, the high-resolution Thomson scattering system has been tested with several trial runs. The system uses a frequency doubled (532 nm) Nd:YAG laser with 0.25 J/pulse at 20 Hz. The scattered light is collected and sent to a triple-grating spectrometer (1800 grooves/mm) via optical fibers. The main purpose of using...
Yakov Borissenko
(Budker INP SB RAS)
12/08/2016, 10:00
One of the most important research directions on the Gas Dynamic Trap (GDT) magnetic mirror [1] is a complex study of the divertor physics. The foundation stone of this research program is a study of physical processes in a volume of divertor with expanding magnetic field lines. The exploration of the region near the plasma absorber is also considered. Because of neutralization of the plasma...
Daniel Sheftman
(Tri Alpha Energy)
12/08/2016, 10:40
Experiments demonstrating sustainment of field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma via neutral beam injection have been carried out on C-2U. Knowledge and control of the axial outflow of plasma particles and energy along open-magnetic-field lines are of crucial importance to successful confinement of FRC plasma, and in particular to FRC core temperature ramp-up. A diverse suite of diagnostics...
Ryuya Ikezoe
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
12/08/2016, 11:00
Control of waves in ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is crucial for better performance of the GAMMA 10 plasma, which utilizes ICRF heating as the main heating scheme and is susceptible to an unstable ICRF wave named as Alfvén-ion-cyclotron (AIC) wave. Traditional beach heating using a slow wave has been used in GAMMA 10, and is very effective for realizing high ion-temperature plasma...
Alexander Solomakhin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
12/08/2016, 11:20
This paper summarizes the results of experiments on electron cyclotron emission (ECE) measurements at the axially symmetric magnetic mirror device gas dynamic trap GDT (Budker Institute, Novosibirsk). The new ECE diagnostics has been installed to facilitate the successful ECRH experiment and operates in the vicinity of the ECRH frequency (54.5 GHz). The particulars of plasma EC emission were...
Alexander Shalashov
(Institute of Applied Physics RAS)
, Mr
Dmitry Yakovlev
(Budker INP SB RAS)
12/08/2016, 13:00
A new discharge startup scenario has been developed for the Gas Dynamic Trap (GDT) magnetic mirror experiment. The primary neutral beam injection (NBI) plasma heating system requires a sufficiently dense plasma target with a degree of ionization, which is compatible with accumulation of fast ions. In the reported experiments, instead of the conventional axial plasma injection, a high-frequency...
Igor Timofeev
(Budker INP SB RAS)
12/08/2016, 13:30
It has been found that the laboratory experiments on the injection of a high-current electron beam into a magnetized plasma at the GOL-3 mirror trap is always accompanied by generation of sub-terahertz radiation lying near the plasma frequency and its second harmonic. It has been also observed that this radiation becomes more efficient if the plasma radius is decreased down to the radiation...
Dmitriy Bochkov
(Pulsed Technologies Ltd.)
, Dr
Victor Bochkov
(Pulsed Technologies Ltd.)
12/08/2016, 13:50
In the paper the most recent results of research and development efforts made by Pulsed Technologies ltd are presented. Design and essential characteristics of more than 36 types of high-power high-voltage switches TDI- and TPI-thyratrons (pseudospark switches) [1], TGI- thyratrons at 250 MW pulse and 0.5 MW average power, spark gaps, as well as X-ray tubes of the new generation are described....
Alexander Shalashov
(Institute of Applied Physics RAS)
12/08/2016, 14:30
In the present paper we target the physics of transition from subsonic to supersonic regimes in the expanding plasma flow. Originated form ECR ion sources, this problem is generalized to describe of the stationary highly-localized plasma discharge formed under resonant microwave heating in a gas jet freely expanding after a high-pressure nozzle. The peculiar feature of such a discharge is...
Andrey Arzhannikov
(Novosibirsk State University)
12/08/2016, 14:50
Beam-plasma systems widely exist in the outer space. Electromagnetic radiation from such sources has been measured and interpreted by astrophysics researchers since the middle of the last century. Verification of astrophysical models of different mechanisms of space plasma electromagnetic radiation requires supporting laboratory experiments. Since 2010 we carry out such experiments and...
Alexei Chirkov
(Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Mirror-based 14 MeV neutron sources
The possibility on neutron generation is considered for the D–D plasma. The advantage of D–D reaction is that no needs for external tritium source. 14 MeV neutrons can be produced due to burn of tritium produced in D–D reaction. Powerful neutral beam injection can be used to increase the reaction rate. Plasma power gain Q $\sim$ 1 can be achieved at electron temperature of about 100 keV and...