8-12 August 2016
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Particle-in-cell simulations of 100 KeV electron beam interaction with a thin magnetized plasma.

10 Aug 2016, 15:00


Board: 65
Poster Applications of mirror plasmas Poster session


Mr Vladimir Annenkov (Budker INP SB RAS)


Beam-plasma interaction plays an important role in different physical systems relevant to gamma-ray bursts, generation of high-energy cosmic rays, type III solar radio bursts as well as in laboratory beam-plasma experiments. It has been observed that the beam-plasma interaction at the GOL-3 mirror trap results in the intensive sub-THz radiation near $\omega_p$ and $2\omega_p$. The most efficient regime of electromagnetic emission has been found for the experiments with the reduced plasma diameter and the long-pulse 100 KeV electron beam. The radiation power has been estimated as 1% of the total beam power in this case [1]. Recent simulations with relativistic electron beams have shown that a similar level of efficiency can be achieved in a thin plasma with the diameter comparable to the radiation wavelength. It has been explained by the mechanism of the beam-driven plasma antenna [2]. The feature of the GOL-3 facility is the long-time injection of an electron beam. To simulate such a situation, one cannot use simplified numerical models with periodic boundary conditions. To study the realistic problem of beam injection, we have developed the unique 2D3V particle-in-cell (PIC) code allowing for the continuous beam inflow through the plasma boundary and the detection of radiation escaping from the finite-size plasma. This code has been recently used to verify the theory of beam-plasma antenna [3]. Modeling the real spatial and temporal scales of laboratory experiments requires enormous computational resources. We solve this problem by using several graphics processing units (GPU). According to this approach, for the first time, we are succeeded in simulation of 100 KeV electron beam injection into the real-size plasma column in the GOL-3 facility. In such a formulation not only qualitative, but also quantitative comparison with the real experiment is possible. This work is supported by RFBR (grant 15-32-20432) and the Russian Scientific Foundation (grant 14-12-00610). 1. Burdakov, A. V, et al. (2013). *Microwave Generation During 100 keV Electron Beam Relaxation in GOL-3.* Fusion Science and Technology, **63**(1T), 286–288. 2. Annenkov, V. V, Volchok, E. P., Timofeev, I. V. (2016). *Generation of high-power electromagnetic radiation by a beam-driven plasma antenna.* Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, **58**(4), 045009. 3. Annenkov, V. V, Timofeev, I. V., Volchok, E. P. (2016). *Simulations of electromagnetic emissions produced in a thin plasma by a continuously injected electron beam*, Physics of Plasmas, **23**(5), 053101.

Primary author

Mr Vladimir Annenkov (Budker INP SB RAS)


Ms Evgeniya Volchok (Budker INP SB RAS, NSU) Dr Igor Timofeev (Budker INP SB RAS)

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