8-12 August 2016
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Electron dynamics in SOL plasma with expander divertor

10 Aug 2016, 09:40


Oral Transport phenomena Transport phenomena


Dr Peter Yushmanov (Tri Alpha Energy)


Reducing electron heat losses in the open field region of FRC is important for sustaining higher temperature in the core and favorable beam energy deposition. Here, at Tri Alpha Energy, magnetic expander divertor will be used to attain these objectives in C-2W - next generation FRC device. A 3-D (2 velocity and 1 spatial) Vlasov Fokker Planck code Ksol has been developed to study the electron dynamics in the open magnetic field region connected to expander divertor. A confinement vessel (CV) has been added to simulation area recently to make simulation setup more realistic. With this code improvement electron distribution function is calculated self-consistently by balancing source in CV and losses in the expander. Overall effect of non-Maxwellian distribution at mirror location is decreasing electron temperature in the divertor and increasing pre-sheath electrostatic potential compared to previously reported case without CV. As a result of these rearrangements, Debye sheath becomes substantially lower what is favorable for plasma interaction with divertor plates.

Primary author

Dr Peter Yushmanov (Tri Alpha Energy)


Dr Dan Barnes (Tri Alpha Energy) Dr Sangeeta Gupta (Tri Alpha Energy) Dr Sean Dettrick (Tri Alpha Energy) Dr Sergei Putvinski (Tri Alpha Energy)

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