Plasma diagnostics
- Alexander Shalashov (Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Chen Dehong (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Andrej Lizunov
(Budker Institute of nuclear physics)
12/08/2016, 09:00
Plasma diagnostics
The method of measurement of magnetic fields in plasmas based on the motional Stark effect (MSE) was first developed in 1989 [1]. Since the first implementation, diagnostics based on this approach became a premier instrument for measurements of magnetic and electric fields in magnetically confined plasmas. In the gas dynamic trap mirror device (GDT) [2], a spectral MSE diagnostics deliver...
Masayuki Yoshikawa
(University of Tsukuba)
12/08/2016, 09:20
Plasma diagnostics
In the tandem mirror GAMMA 10/PDX, the yttrium-aluminium-garnet (YAG)- Thomson scattering (TS) system have been constructed for electron temperature and density radial profile measurements. GAMMA 10/PDX is an effectively axisymmetrized minimum-B anchored tandem mirror with thermal barrier at both end-mirrors and a divertor simulation module is installed in the west end cell for divertor...
Kiyong Lee
(National Fusion Research Institute)
12/08/2016, 09:40
Plasma diagnostics
Having very fine spatial resolution of 63 measurable points along a 25-mm line, the high-resolution Thomson scattering system has been tested with several trial runs. The system uses a frequency doubled (532 nm) Nd:YAG laser with 0.25 J/pulse at 20 Hz. The scattered light is collected and sent to a triple-grating spectrometer (1800 grooves/mm) via optical fibers. The main purpose of using...
Yakov Borissenko
(Budker INP SB RAS)
12/08/2016, 10:00
Plasma diagnostics
One of the most important research directions on the Gas Dynamic Trap (GDT) magnetic mirror [1] is a complex study of the divertor physics. The foundation stone of this research program is a study of physical processes in a volume of divertor with expanding magnetic field lines. The exploration of the region near the plasma absorber is also considered. Because of neutralization of the plasma...
Daniel Sheftman
(Tri Alpha Energy)
12/08/2016, 10:40
Plasma diagnostics
Experiments demonstrating sustainment of field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma via neutral beam injection have been carried out on C-2U. Knowledge and control of the axial outflow of plasma particles and energy along open-magnetic-field lines are of crucial importance to successful confinement of FRC plasma, and in particular to FRC core temperature ramp-up. A diverse suite of diagnostics...
Ryuya Ikezoe
(Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
12/08/2016, 11:00
Plasma diagnostics
Control of waves in ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is crucial for better performance of the GAMMA 10 plasma, which utilizes ICRF heating as the main heating scheme and is susceptible to an unstable ICRF wave named as Alfvén-ion-cyclotron (AIC) wave. Traditional beach heating using a slow wave has been used in GAMMA 10, and is very effective for realizing high ion-temperature plasma...
Alexander Solomakhin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
12/08/2016, 11:20
Plasma diagnostics
This paper summarizes the results of experiments on electron cyclotron emission (ECE) measurements at the axially symmetric magnetic mirror device gas dynamic trap GDT (Budker Institute, Novosibirsk). The new ECE diagnostics has been installed to facilitate the successful ECRH experiment and operates in the vicinity of the ECRH frequency (54.5 GHz). The particulars of plasma EC emission were...