(Hiroshima University)
High intensity positron sources
E-driven ILC positron source is the most reliable and conventional scheme among the proposed ILC positron sources. 3.0 GeV electron beam impinges on W-Re target to generate positron. The positron is captured by FC (Flux Concentrator) followed by normal conducting L-band Standing Wave Linac with a large aperture. The energy is boosted up to 5.0 GeV with L-band and S-band Travelling Wave Linac....
Tohru Takahashi
(Hiroshima University)
High intensity positron sources
I will report an update of energy deposition estimates in the target, flux concentrator, and the first sections of capture linac.
Peter Sievers
Following the engineering studies and protype developments, made in the past for the e-driven and undulator driven positron targets for the ILC, some critical aspects are reviewd and suggestions are proposed, to guide future studies and R+D.
High intensity positron sources
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) project is under development at CERN. Positron production system is one of important part of FCC injector. The computation of total positron production rate, energy deposition in target material and positron yield based on conventional positron source scheme are presented with incident electron beam energy of 4.5 GeV.
Valery Telnov
(BINP, Novosibirsk Univ.)
High intensity positron sources
Photon colliders based on high energy linear e+e- colliders are considered for many years but may appear only in very far future. In this talk I consider the gamma-gamma collider for the energy region below 12 GeV, suggested 1/2 year ago. This energy region (in gamma-gamma) is not covered by Super-B collider and its luminosity may be much higher than at the LHC. Such collider will be a nice...
Andriy Ushakov
(University of Hamburg)
Undulator source
The capture efficiency of positron source using a Quarter Wave Transformer (QWT) for focusing positrons after Ti6Al4V target with 7 mm thickness were estimated for the International Linear Collider (ILC) at center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV. QWT consists from two solenoids: first one has a length of 12 cm and about 1 T field, second one has 0.5 T field superimposed on the electric field of...
Masafumi Fukuda
High intensity positron sources
We report on a present status of the SuperKEKB positron source. It is composed of a tungsten target, a flux concentrator (FC) as an adiabatic matching device and large-aperture S-band accelerating structures under a static solenoidal field. Primary electron beam energy is around 3.0 GeV. In the beam commissioning during the SuperKEKB Phase-1 operation period in 2016, the operation current of...
Fedor Emanov
High intensity positron sources
Since 2016 VEPP-5 injection complex supplies VEPP-4 and VEPP-2000 colliders with electrons and positrons through K-500 beam transfer line. By now injection complex demonstrated ability to support operation of both colliders routinely. Nevertheless work is continuing to improve stability and performance of the facility. Injection complex design, operation experience and prospects will be presented.
High intensity positron sources
R.Chehab, I.Chaikovska, H.Guler (LAL-Orsay), X.Artru, M.Chevallier (IPNL), P.Sievers, L.Rinolfi(CERN), K.Furukawa, T.Kamitani, F.Miyahara, T.Suwada, M.Satoh, Y.Seimiya, K.Umemori (KEK), P.Martyshkin (BINP)
Investigations on unpolarized positron sources for future colliders have shown the great advantages of using axial channeling radiation for e+e- pair production; both high yields e+/e-...