A historical retrospect of Two-Photon Physics in the 1980ies at DORIS, SPEAR, PETRA and PEP (in session "Two-photon physics history")
About the physics of the X(3872) resonance (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
All-optical probes of quantum vacuum nonlinearity (in session "Low-energy photon experiments, vacuum polarization and light-by-light scattering")
An idea of high energy γγ, γe colliders based on one pass e+e- linear colliders. (in session "Two-photon physics history")
Application of the shockwave formalism to diffractive processes (in session "Small x, diffraction, and total cross sections")
Birth of colliding beams in Europe, two-photon studies at Adone(remote) (in session "Two-photon physics history")
Bound-free pair production in heavy-ion collisions at high energies (in session "Related topics")
Branching fractions of ψ(3770), ψ(4040), and Υ(10580) decays to light (non-DantiD, non-DsantiDs, and non-BantiB) hadrons (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Charge asymmetry in the differential cross section of high energy bremsstrahlung in the field of a heavy atom (in session "Related topics")
Closing remarks
Combination of Measurements of Inclusive Deep Inelastic ep - Scattering Cross Sections and QCD Analysis of HERA data (in session "Jets and inclusive reactions")
COMPASS spectroscopy (remote) (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Delta(1232) contribution to real radiative corrections for elastic electron-proton scattering (in session "Related topics")
Developments of optical resonators and optical recirculators for Compton X/γ ray machines (in session "Photon collider prospects, new acceleration techniques and future accelerators")
Diphoton production at NNLO at the LHC (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Double scattering production of two ρ0 mesons and four pions in ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions(remote) (in session "Small x, diffraction, and total cross sections")
Effects of strong electromagnetic field in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions (in session "Related topics")
Exclusive processes at HERA (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
First evidence of two-photon production of C+ resonances at SPEAR with detector MARK-2 (in session "Two-photon physics history")
First evidence of two-photon production of e+e- pairs at VEPP-2 in Novosibirsk (in session "Two-photon physics history")
Future high energy colliders (in session "Photon collider prospects, new acceleration techniques and future accelerators")
Heavy flavour production at HERA (in session "Heavy flavor production")
Higgs and photons (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Higgs studies, present and future (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Highlights from the ATLAS experiment (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Highlights from the CMS experiment (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
ISR Studies of Charmonium Region at Belle (in session "Heavy flavor production")
Latest results on anomalous gauge couplings in ATLAS (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Latest results on anomalous gauge couplings in CMS (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Latest results on Higgs final-states with photons in ATLAS (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Latest results on Higgs final-states with photons in CMS (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Light-quark mesons in two-photon processes at Belle (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Low x evolution equation for quadrupole operator (in session "Small x, diffraction, and total cross sections")
Low-energy hadronic cross sections measurements at BaBar, and implication for the g-2 of the muon (in session "Muon g-2")
Measurements with final-state photons in LHCb (in session "DVCS and prompt photons")
Measuring the Leading order hadronic contributon to g-2 in the space like region (in session "Muon g-2")
Mesurement of the π+π- cross section at BESIII (in session "Muon g-2")
Monte Carlo event generation of photon-photon collisions at colliders (in session "Jets and inclusive reactions")
New physics possibilities in photon-induced interactions at the LHC (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Photon spectrum and polarization for high conversion efficiency in Compton backscattering process (in session "Photon collider prospects, new acceleration techniques and future accelerators")
Photon-hadron and photon-photon collisions in ALICE (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Photon-hadron and photon-photon collisions in CMS (including data from p-p, p-A and A-A collisions) (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Photon-hadron processes at LHCb (in session "DVCS and prompt photons")
Photons as signature for dark matter and dark energy: The Cast experiment at CERN (in session "Low-energy photon experiments, vacuum polarization and light-by-light scattering")
Photons interacting with Pions at COMPASS (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Photoproduction of π0π0 on proton and deuteron with the rescattering mechanism π+π- → π0π0 inclusion (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Probing GPDs in photoproduction processes at hadron colliders. (in session "DVCS and prompt photons")
Production of a forward J/Psi and a backward jet at LHC as a test of BFKL dynamics (in session "Small x, diffraction, and total cross sections")
Prospects for Higgs and gauge boson measurements in γγ collisions at FCC-e+e-. (in session "Photon collider prospects, new acceleration techniques and future accelerators")
Proton radius puzzle (in session "Related topics")
Pseudoscalar-exchange contribution to g-2 from rational approximants (in session "Muon g-2")
Quasiclassical approach to QED processes in the field of heavy atom (in session "Related topics")
Radio Detection of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays with the Telescope Array Radar Remote Stations (in session "Photons in astroparticle physics")
Radiowave detection of UHECR in Antarctica (in session "Photons in astroparticle physics")
Recent results from the Telescope Array - studies of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and the prospect - (in session "Photons in astroparticle physics")
Recent results from VEPP-2000 (in session "Muon g-2")
Results and Prospect of measuring vacuum magnetic birefringence with PVLAS (in session "Low-energy photon experiments, vacuum polarization and light-by-light scattering")
Results and prospects on hadronic cross section and γγ physics at KLOE/KLOE-2 (in session "Muon g-2")
Results on isolated photon, photon+jet and diphoton production in ATLAS (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Revealing transversity GPDs through the production of a rho meson and a photon (in session "DVCS and prompt photons")
Search for the eta' ->e+e- and eta -> e+e- decay at SND (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Searches for Dark Forces at e+e- Colliders (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
The DVCS physics program at COMPASS (in session "DVCS and prompt photons")
The timelike electromagnetic form factors of proton and charged kaons at high energies (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Theoretical description of resonance production(remote) (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Theoretical status of the muon g-2 (in session "Muon g-2")
To learn production of the scalar and tensor mesons in γγ∗(Q2)→ηπ0 reaction (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
To study isospin breaking decay η(1405)→f0(980)π0→3π (in session "Resonances and exclusive processes")
Towards to history of two photon physics. (in session "Two-photon physics history")
Two Photon Physics in France : a tribute to Paul Kessler (in session "Two-photon physics history")
Two-photon exchange in electron-proton scattering -the OLYMPUS experiment at DESY (in session "Small x, diffraction, and total cross sections")
Two-photon experiments at CESR (in session "Two-photon physics history")
Two-photon experiments with detector MD1 at VEPP-4 (in session "Two-photon physics history")
Two-photon Higgs width and triple Higgs coupling in 2HDM in SM-like scenario (in session "Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics")
Two-photon physics from LEP (in session "Two-photon physics history")
Two-photon physics from TRISTAN (in session "Two-photon physics history")
Upcoming Hidden Photons Searches with ALPS-II and FUNK (in session "Low-energy photon experiments, vacuum polarization and light-by-light scattering")
VMD/HLS Approach to the muon (g-2) : A solution to the tau-e+e- puzzle (in session "Muon g-2")
Welcome by Prof. Alexander SKRINSKY, Dr. Pavel LOGATCHOV
Include materials from selected contributions