15-19 June 2015
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Monte Carlo event generation of photon-photon collisions at colliders

18 Jun 2015, 14:25
Oral presentation Jets and inclusive reactions Jets and inclusive reactions


Dr Ilkka Helenius (Lund University)


In addition being interesting itself the photon-photon interactions will be an inevitable background for the future electron-positron colliders. Thus it is important to be able to simulate these collisions in a very good accuracy. In my talk I will present our ongoing work to implement the photon-photon collisions in PYTHIA8 event generator. First I will briefly describe how the partonic structure of the photon and differs from the structure of a proton. Then I will discuss about modifications of parton shower generation and beam remnant handling required to accommodate the photon beams into PYTHIA8. Finally I will present some preliminary results on particle production in photon-photon collisions and give an outlook about further developments.

Primary author

Dr Ilkka Helenius (Lund University)


Prof. Torbjörn Sjöstrand (Lund University)

Presentation Materials