Rainer Schicker
(Phys. Inst., Uni Heidelberg)
The large photon flux of heavy-ion beams at high energy results in
electromagnetic processes with large cross sections. Processes which
change the magnetic rigidity of the primary beam produce secondary
beams. The knowledge of the cross section of these reaction channels
is of great interest since they contribute to the finite lifetime of
the heavy-ion beam. Electromagnetic excitation of the nucleus,
followed by neutron evaporation, is experimentally accessible by
measuring the forward neutrons in Zero Degree Calorimeters. The
bound-free pair production process is, in principle, measurable by
detecting the forward hydrogen-like heavy-ion. I will present the
cross section of the bound-free electron-positron pair process,
and discuss the bound-free pair constrained photon-photon luminosity
for the case of the LHC energy.
Primary author
Rainer Schicker
(Phys. Inst., Uni Heidelberg)