Photon collider prospects, new acceleration techniques and future accelerators
- Valeriy Serbo (Novosibirsk State University)
Valery Telnov
(BINP, Novosibirsk Univ.)
19/06/2015, 09:55
Photon collider prospects, new acceleration techniques and future accelerators
During the last three decades linear colliders were considered as best machines for detail study of physics in the energy region 0.1-3 TeV. Observation at LHC of the Higgs boson with rather low mass and still nothing else has triggered new strategies in HEP based on large circular colliders for e+e- and pp collisions. In this talk I give a short review of projects ILC, CLIC, FCC, CEPC-SppC,...
Patricia Rebello Teles
(Brazilian Center for Physics Research)
19/06/2015, 10:25
Photon collider prospects, new acceleration techniques and future accelerators
The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC, together so far with the absence of any phenomena beyond the Standard Model in collisions at center of mass energies up to 8 TeV, has triggered an interest in future colliders to push the energy and precision frontiers in the search of New Physics. The great potential of high-energy hadron colliders to discover new particles and new phenomena are...
Aurelien Martens
19/06/2015, 10:45
Photon collider prospects, new acceleration techniques and future accelerators
Optical resonators and optical recirculators are key elements of Compton X/$\gamma$-ray machines.
Such devices could ultimately be used in the design of polarized positron sources for a future linear electron-positron collider and photon sources for an hypothetical photon-photon collider.
With regard to their use in laser physics or in time-frequency metrology, these devices have to obey...
Alexander Potylitsyn
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”)
19/06/2015, 11:05
Photon collider prospects, new acceleration techniques and future accelerators
The paper [1] reviewed the principles of creation of high-energy $\gamma\gamma$ collider. However, after the discovery of Higgs boson, the authors of paper [2] proposed the concept of the so-called low-energy $\gamma\gamma$ collider (for which the required energy of the electrons does not exceed 80 $MeV$, if the energy of the laser photons is equal to 3.5 $eV$) . In both cases it is necessary...