Two-photon physics history
- Maria Krawczyk (University of Warsaw)
Two-photon physics history
- Maurice Benayoun (LPNHE Paris 6/Paris 7)
Frederic Kapusta
(LPNHE Paris)
16/06/2015, 08:25
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
The interest in photon-photon collisions in the 70's led to the 1973 Conference.
A brief historical review will emphasize the rôle of Paul Kessler and his colleagues.
Ilya Ginzburg
(Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics SB RAS and Novosibirsk State University)
16/06/2015, 08:50
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
In this report I present personal view for history of two-photon physics
Valery Telnov
(BINP, Novosibirsk Univ.)
16/06/2015, 09:15
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
In this talk I tell on first observation of C+ resonances (eta-prime and f2) in two photon collisions at e+e- storage
Hermann Kolanoski
(Humboldt University/DESY)
16/06/2015, 10:05
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
The major developments and achievements in two-photon physics obtained at the electron-positron colliders DORIS, SPEAR, PETRA and PEP are reviewed. These machines allowed for the first time detailed studies of hadron production in high-energy photon-photon collisions. With the advent of sufficiently high energies at PETRA and PEP the studies of resonant two-photon couplings were complemented...
Valery Telnov
(BINP, Novosibirsk Univ.)
16/06/2015, 10:45
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
Detector MD-1 worked at storage ring VEPP-4 in 1980-85. Its specific feature was a transverse magnetic field for better detection of two photon processes. Detection of both scattered electrons enabled to measure the total gamma-gamma cross section. Also some other two-photon processes have been studied with and without detection of the scattered electrons.
Sadaharu Uehara
(KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
16/06/2015, 11:35
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
As a part of the historical two-photon session, I summarize achievements from the three TRISTAN experiments, AMY, TOPAZ and VENUS. Results related to a confirmation of the "resolved-photon" processes, where the quark and gluon contents in a photon play a role, are highlight of the measurements.
Valery Telnov
(BINP, Novosibirsk Univ.)
16/06/2015, 14:25
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
The gamma-gamma luminosity in collisions of virtual photons at e+e- storage rings is much lower than that in e+e- collisions and the spectrum is rather soft. In 1980 we have noticed that at high energy linear colliders beams are used only ones which makes possible to convert electrons to high energy photons using Compton scattering of laser photons and thus to obtain real gamma-gamma...