Heavy flavor production
- Sadaharu Uehara (KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Timofey Uglov
18/06/2015, 15:05
Heavy flavours production
Oral presentation
An overview of the Belle studies of the hadron production with initial state radiation is presented. The talk includes results on the D(\*)D(\*)bar cross-section measurement as well as the results on exotic charmonium-like states search.
Uri Karshon
(Weizmann Institute)
18/06/2015, 15:25
Heavy flavours production
Oral presentation
The copious production of charm quarks at HERA has yielded a detailed understanding
of QCD dynamics, the only measure of the charm contribution to the proton structure,
as well as measurements of the charm mass and the fragmentation parameters of charmed
hadrons. Although with smaller samples, measurements of beauty production also place
constraints on the structure of the proton and...