Leptonic, Semileptonic, Radiative and Rare Charm Decays
- Andrea Contu (INFN)
Leptonic, Semileptonic, Radiative and Rare Charm Decays
- Angelo Carbone (University and INFN Bologna)
Yu Zhang
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
24/05/2018, 16:25
Hajime Muramatsu
(University of Minnesota)
24/05/2018, 16:55
BESIII has now collected the world's largest $e^+e^-$ annihilation samples
taken at $E_{cm} = 4.009$ and $4.178$ GeV, which contain copious charmed-strange mesons.
In this talk, I report our recent studies on leptonic and semileptonic
decays of the $D_s$ meson, which allow us to extract the CKM matrix elements $|V_{cs(d)}|$ and
the decay constants $f_{D_s^+}$ or semileptonic form...
Angelo Carbone
(University and INFN Bologna)
24/05/2018, 17:25
Mixing and CP violation in charm LHCb has collected the world's largest sample of charmed hadrons. World's most precise measurements of neutral D-meson mixing parameters and searches for indirect CP violation in charm interactions are presented.
Alberto Lusiani
(Scuola Normale Superiore)
24/05/2018, 17:55
Alan Schwartz
(Univ. of Cincinnati)
25/05/2018, 09:25
Chia Cheng Chang
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
25/05/2018, 09:55
We calculate in three-flavor lattice QCD the short-distance hadronic matrix elements of all five $\Delta C=2$ four-fermion operators that contribute to neutral $D$-meson mixing both in and beyond the Standard Model. We use the MILC Collaboration's $N_f = 2+1$ lattice gauge-field configurations generated with asqtad-improved staggered sea quarks. We also employ the asqtad action for the valence...
Dmytro Levit
(Technical University of Munich)
25/05/2018, 10:20
The B factories, Belle and BaBar, were successful in measuring the properties of the B mesons. But the B factories also produce a similar number of D mesons in the electron-positron collisions. The data sets recorded at the B factories allow us to study leptonic, semi-leptonic, and rare D decays. These decays are suppressed in the Standard Model. Therefore, the comparison of the observables...