Timofei Maltsev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Inner Tracker of Novosibirsk Super Charm-Tau Factory Detector (SCTD) has to measure momenta of soft hadrons, which do not reach the drift chamber; complement the drift chamber in measuring the momenta; detect secondary vertices of short-lived particles. Thus, proper choice of the option for the Inner Tracker is of significant interest. The simulation of charged pions propagation in the perpendicular direction to the beam axis was carried out with DD4HEP program based on GEANT4. Three options were considered: 4-layer cylindrical silicon strip detector, 4-layer cylindrical Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector and Time Projection Chamber (TPC). The Detector in the simulation was located in 1.5 T magnetic field directed along beam axis. The simulation shows that pions with initial momenta less than 50 MeV/c do not pass through the beampipe and cannot be registered. Pions with momenta above 65 MeV/c leave energy depositions in all 4 layers of the Inner Tracker based on silicon strips, and their trajectories can be reconstructed. Cylindrical GEM detector provides reconstruction possibility (hits in 4 layers) for pions with momenta more than 60 MeV/c. TPC with thin inner wall provides reconstruction of pions with momenta higher than 55 MeV/c. However, in this case the reconstruction procedure will be much more complicated due to large number of background particle tracks in the sensitive volume.
Primary authors
Andrey Sokolov
(Budker INP)
Lev Shekhtman
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Timofei Maltsev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)