Georgiy Razuvaev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
The muon $g-2$/EDM experiment at J-PARC is preparing to investigate the discrepancy of $\sim 3.5 \sigma$ between measured muon $g-2$ and Standard Model prediction. The experiment uses the surface muon beam stopped and cooled in an aerogel target, then re-accelerated up to 300 MeV/c and injected to the storage magnetic field where the Si strip tracker is placed. The sophisticated accelerator apparatus has to be developed and operated. What should be accompanied by proper beam diagnostic systems. In such a way the task of continuously monitoring transfer profile of the upcoming to the aerogel target surface muon beam is arise. One of solutions is to use a thin $5 \, \mu m$ CsI(Tl) foil with optical read out.
During the beam test three different CsI(Tl) foils were used, we had performed linearity study, and tried different BPM configuration: with a mirror and without it. In the last case three different angles respect to the beam axis were used. Also the effect of a mylar foil on light collection efficiency was studied, and signal dependence on muon momentum was observed.
The proposal of a thin CsI(Tl) foil based BPM for the muon $g-2$/EDM experiment at J-PARC is presented.
Primary author
Georgiy Razuvaev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Alexander Popov
(Budker Insitute of Nuclear Physics)
Alexey Petrozhitskiy
(Budker Insitute of Nuclear Physics)
Boris Shwartz
(Budker Institute of Nuclear physics)
Evgeny Kozyrev
Seonho Choi
(Seoul National University)
Seungho Han
(Seoul National University)
Tsutomu Mibe
(Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies)
Younghyun Son
(Seoul National University)
Youngju Cho
(Seoul National University)