25 February 2019 to 1 March 2019
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Two-photon physics at Belle

27 Feb 2019, 15:30
Conference room

Conference room

Invited Oral Gamma-gamma physics e+e– annihilation and gamma–gamma physics


Dr Elisabetta Prencipe (Forschungszentrum Juelich)


The Belle experiment has measured various two-photon physics processes, mostly using a no-tag method, and for a few of them also a single-tag technique. This way to analyze physics processes is useful to investigate transition form factors, as well as search for XYZ exotic states and baryons. A review of the main achievements at Belle will be given, and recent results will be shown.

Primary author

Dr Elisabetta Prencipe (Forschungszentrum Juelich)

Presentation Materials