Vyacheslav Ivanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
The talk is devoted to the status of the simulation of the CsI crystal calorimeter of the detector of charm-tau factory in
Novosibirsk. The calorimeter employs the scheme with the crystals focusing at the beams interaction point to obtain the optimal
energy and coordinate resolutions. However, to avoid the «dead zones» effect, a slight defocusing in longitudinal and transversal
directions is made. The description of the fully parametrized crystal geometry generator is presented. Using this generator the
optimization of the calorimeter geometry parameters was done. The report also presents the results for the coordinate and energy
correction functions calculation, as well as the estimation of the resulting energy and coordinate resolutions. Finally, the
influence of the dead material in front of the calorimeter (including the option of «thin solenoid») was studied.
Primary author
Vyacheslav Ivanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)