Lev Shekhtman
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Micro-pattern gas technology is planned for the upgrade of the tracking system of the CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider in Budker INP. The upgrade includes a new cylinder tracking and trigger detector that consists of two tracking layers at a radius of 32 to 33 cm with coordinate resolution close to 0.1 mm in Z (along the beam axis) and trigger segments of about 1 cm in phi. Another new coordinate subsystem includes two end-cap discs with active area between radius of 50 mm and 250 mm, that provides spatial resolution in R and in phi close to 1 mm as well as trigger signal from the phi segments. For these two subsystems we plan to use micro-RWELL technology because it allows much simpler assembling of large cylindrical detector and large discs as compared to the triple GEM technology. This technology was introduced by INFN Frascatti group and the first tests demonstrated possibility of its application for particle detection at medium and low rates that satisfies the conditions of VEPP-2000 collider environment. Two full-size 50 cm diameter micro-RWELL discs were produced at CERN advanced PCB workshop. Two detectors based on these discs are assembled and preliminary test results will be presented at the Conference.
Primary author
Lev Shekhtman
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)