24-28 February 2020
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Timing Wall Detector Project for HF CMS

26 Feb 2020, 10:50
Contributed Oral Timing detectors Timing detectors


Prof. Vladimir Samoylenko (IHEP-NRC "Kurchatov Institute")


We propose Timing Wall Detector for HF CMS as the part of CMS Upgrade. The aim of this Detector is the suppression of pileup background and the improvement of spatial resolution of HF, which is important for HF performance in LHC high luminosity conditions. The spatial structure of Timing Wall corresponds to HF one. The element of Timing Wall consists of two parts, first part is designed for high precision timing and second is for spatial measurement with limited accuracy. The timing part is the quartz trapezoid bar rotated be the angle of Cherenkov conus. PM MCP is used as photoreadout. The spatial measurement part is a set of scintillator (LSO/GAGG) pads with quartz fiber as a lightguide, with multianode PM as a photoreadout. The time resolution better 30 ps was obtained in Test Runs. Different variants for scintillator are discussed. Special attention is paid to radiation resistance of the detector. The same approach can be applied for a detector in high pseuodorapidity region for diffraction processes study.

Primary author

Prof. Vladimir Samoylenko (IHEP-NRC "Kurchatov Institute")


Mr Dmitry Druzhkin (CERN) Mr Roman Stefanovich (Belarus State University)

Presentation Materials