Lucian Scharenberg
(CERN, University of Bonn (DE))
The developments in particle and nuclear physics experiments show four main requirements on the performance of gaseous detectors: large area coverage, high rate capability, excellent time resolution and good spatial resolution. As consequence new requirements for the readout electronics are defined.
In the particular case of the ATLAS New Small Wheel Upgrade, the VMM3a ASIC has been developed and optimised for tracking and triggering detectors. The ASIC provides many features, making it interesting for other applications. Thus it has been recently implemented into RD51’s Scalable Readout System (SRS), enabling the usage of the VMM3a in small R&D laboratory set-ups and mid-scale experiments.
In this talk the capabilities of the VMM3a within RD51's SRS are presented by showing results obtained with a triple-GEM detector and X-ray sources. Preceded by an introduction to VMM3a/SRS, it will be shown, that with the VMM3a's features, in particular the nanosecond time resolution and the continuous readout, deeper measurements for the understanding of a detector can be performed. The rare case of fluorescence X-rays, also known as 'escape photons', interacting in the gas volume of the detector can be resolved and used to determine the electron drift velocity in a dedicated set-up. The MHz rate capability of the VMM3a enables fast continuous X-ray imaging applications. First results of these measurements are presented, including an investigation of the neighbouring logic on the position reconstruction. This hardware feature should allow to gain additional information on the signal distribution, taking below-threshold hits into account.
Primary author
Lucian Scharenberg
(CERN, University of Bonn (DE))
Dorothea Pfeiffer
(European Spallation Source ERIC, CERN)
Eraldo Oliveri
Florian Brunbauer
Hans Muller
Jerome Samarati
(European Spallation Source ERIC, CERN)
Klaus Desch
(University of Bonn (DE))
Leszek Ropelewski
Marta Lisowska
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
Michael Lupberger
(University of Bonn (DE))
Miranda van Stenis
Rob Veenhof
(CERN, Bursa Uludag University (TR))