Mikhail Remnev
Belle II experiment is conducted in KEK institute, at the SuperKEKB B-factory, with all detector subsystems taking data since March 2019. One of the primary detector subsystems is an electromagnetic crystal calorimeter (ECL) that consists of 8736 CsI(Tl) scintillation crystals.
This report describes data acquisition (DAQ) system that has been developed for ECL. Front-end electronics of ECL DAQ consists of several hundred highly configurable FPGA-controlled modules that utilize pipeline readout architecture and are able to handle up to 30 kHz trigger rate.
ECL front end electronics are initialized, configured and monitored by ECL DAQ software. Initialization software library can work with several transport protocols, internally optimize requests to the electronics and perform caching of the configuration data. Configuration software manages and monitors more than 50’000 electronics parameters and updates them based on the calibrations. Continuous monitoring of ECL data quality is also implemented. ECL DAQ software is integrated with Network Shared Memory 2, slow control system used in Belle II experiment.
Primary author
Mikhail Remnev