Florian Feldbauer
(University Mainz)
The PANDA Experiment, which is located at the High Energy Storage Ring at the FAIR accelerator
center in Darmstadt, Germany, is optimized for questions of hadron physics.
With this detector it will be possible to discover new states and measure their line shapes as well as the
line shapes of already known states very precisely.
To normalize the energy scan measurements exact knowledge of the luminosity is required.
The luminosity at PANDA will be determined from the angular distribution of elastical antiprotonm
proton scattering. In order to achieve an absolute measuring accuracy of 5% , the tracks of the scattered
antiprotons will be measured by four planes of thinned silicon detectors (HV-MAPS).
HV-MAPS are pixel sensors with integrated readout electronics. They will be operated with a reverse
voltage of 60 volts to increase their radiation hardness.
The four detector planes consist of CVD-diamonds on which the sensors are clued. To reduce the
multiple scattering the detector is operated in a vacuum.
The concept of the luminosity detector is presented and technical aspects such as the vacuum system,
cooling, electronics, and sensors are discussed, as well as insights into data analysis.
Primary author
Florian Feldbauer
(University Mainz)