Mikhail Rumyantsev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment at the accelerator complex of the NICA. The Nuclotron will provide variety of beams from protons to gold ions with the kinetic energy of ions ranging from 1 to 6 GeV per nucleon. The main goal of the experiment is studying of baryonic matter at high density and temperature within collisions of relativistic heavy ions. The experiment combines high precision tracking with high performance time-of-flight measurements for particle identification.
First physical data were obtained in spring 2018. The setup registered particles from collisions of Ar and Kr beams with the targets C, Al, Sn, Cu, Pb. The performance of the detectors and preliminary result of particle identification are presented in the poster.
Primary author
Mikhail Rumyantsev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Vadim Babkin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)