Stanislav Malakhov
The study of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays, neutrinos and gamma rays is
one of the most important challenges in astrophysics. The low fluxes of these
particles do not allow one to detect them directly. The detection is performed by
measuring the cascades initiated by primary particles in the Earth atmosphere,
namely air-showers. One of the perspective methods of the air-showers detection is
the measuring of its radio emission. A radio detector is a cost-effective instrument
which provides precise reconstruction of the parameters of primary particle and
almost full duty cycle in comparison with other techniques. The main disadvantage of
the modern radio detectors is the absence of established self-trigger technology due
to high-level background and radio frequency interferences. In the most modern
instruments the trigger is generated either by particle or by optical detectors. The
development of the self-trigger for the radio detector will significantly simplify the
operation of existing instruments and taking main advantages of the radio method as
well as open the way to the construction of a new generation of radio detectors.In the
present work we discuss the possible techniques for selection of air-shower signal
from the background and our current progress on this problem.
Primary author
Stanislav Malakhov