Kota Nakagiri
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS))
The Central Drift Chamber (CDC) is the main part of the tracking system in the Belle II experiment.
It has a cylindrical shape with 2.3-m-length and 0.3(2.2)-m-inner(outer)-diameter, surrounding the $e^+$-$e^-$ collision point.
It consists of 9 super layers, which are composed of 8 (for the innermost super layer) or 6 (for the others) sub-layers.
Axial and stereo super layers are alternately arranged to provide 3-dimensional tracking.
The CDC was developed and installed in Oct. 2016, and it has been operated in the Belle II data taking since Mar. 2018.
We will present the overview of the CDC, the operation status, and its performance with the cosmic-ray and $e^+$-$e^-$ collision data.
Primary author
Kota Nakagiri
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS))