24-28 February 2020
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Development of the Level-1 track trigger with Central Drift Chamber detector in BelleII experiment and its performance in SuperKEKB 2019 Phase 3 operation

Not scheduled
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

11, akademika Lavrentieva prospect, Novosibirsk, Russia
Board: 83
Poster Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition


Dr Yun-Tsung Lai (KEK)


The Level-1 trigger system (TRG) in the Belle II experiment is designed to summarize real-time sub-detectors information by using FPGA chips for the central data acquisition (DAQ) system, and it includes several sub-trigger systems for triggering various types of physics events in interest. The main focus in this talk is CDCTRG: the track trigger system with Central Drift Chamber (CDC) detector, which is resposible for the real-time trajectory reconstruction of charged particles with various algorithms:Track-segment Finder, 2D, 3D, Neuro-3D, and short tracking, etc. CDCTRG is necessary for specific types of physics, such as hadronic and mu-mu pair. This paper will introduce the design of the hardware system and algorithm implementation in FPGAs. Development, validation and performance of each CDCTRG module during SuperKEKB beam collision operation will also be discussed in detail.

Primary author

Presentation Materials