Uladzimir Kruchonak
The interest in using the radiation detectors based on high resistive chromium-compensated GaAs (GaAs:Cr) in high energy physics and others applied fields has been growing steadily due to its numerous advantages over others classical materials. High radiation hardness at room temperature stands out and needs to be systematically investigated. In this paper an experimental study of the effect of 21 MeV electrons generated by the LINAC-200 accelerator on some properties of GaAs:Cr based sensors is presented. In parallel, Si sensors were irradiated at the same conditions, measured and analyzed in order to perform a comparative study. The target sensors were irradiated with the dose up to 1.5 MGy. I-V characteristics, resistivity, charge collection efficiency and their dependences on the bias voltage and temperature were measured at different absorbed doses. An analysis of the possible microscopic mechanisms leading to the observed effects is also presented in the article.
Primary author
Uladzimir Kruchonak