Colliders and detector integration
- Anton Poluektov (University of Warwick)
Colliders and detector integration
- Andrey Sokolov (Budker INP)
Nikolai Muchnoi
(Budker INP SB RAS)
24/02/2020, 14:30
Colliders and detector integration
Invited Oral
Inverse Compton scattering of laser radiation was implemented as a tool for accurate beam energy measurement at BEPC-II and VEPP-2000 colliders. The report summarizes the operation principles, performance and results obtained with beam energy measurement systems in these experiments.
Lev Shekhtman
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
24/02/2020, 14:50
Colliders and detector integration
Contributed Oral
Simulation of background particle fluxes generated by colliding beams is performed with FLUKA package for the Super C-Tau factory Detector (SCTD). Two processes are considered as main sources of luminosity generated background: two-photon production of electron-positron pairs and Bha Bha scattering with bremsstrahlung photon emission (radiative Bha Bha). The SCTD geometry is described...
Antonio Paladino
(INFN and University of Pisa)
24/02/2020, 15:10
Colliders and detector integration
Invited Oral
The SuperKEKB asymmetric electron-positron collider is the upgrade of the KEKB machine and it is expected to achieve the instantaneous luminosity of $8\times10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$, 40 times higher than the record of KEKB. With the increased luminosity, the beam background is expected to grow significantly with respect to KEKB, leading, among other effects, to possible radiation damage of...
Francesca Curciarello
(INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
24/02/2020, 15:30
Colliders and detector integration
Contributed Oral
One goal of the KLOE-2 experiment, at the Frascati $\phi-$factory, is to study $e^+e^- \to \gamma^{\ast}\gamma^{\ast}e^+e^-\to
\pi^0 e^+e^-$ processes by tagging final state leptons with two scintillator hodoscopes installed, by means of roman pots, in the
DA$\Phi$NE beam pipe.
The High energy tagger (HET) counting rate is dominated by Bhabha scattering events without any associated...
Evgeniy Pyata
24/02/2020, 16:20
Colliders and detector integration
Contributed Oral
BINP presents the design of the 2T superconducting solenoid for PANDA detector at FAIR. Since PANDA is a fixed target experiment, the main technical challenge is the insertion of a warm target pipe vertically to the solenoid axis in correspondence with the interaction point located at 1/3 of the length of the solenoid. The solenoid consists from three interconnected coils.
The paper...
Florian Feldbauer
(University Mainz)
24/02/2020, 16:40
Tracking and vertex detectors
Contributed Oral
The PANDA Experiment, which is located at the High Energy Storage Ring at the FAIR accelerator
center in Darmstadt, Germany, is optimized for questions of hadron physics.
With this detector it will be possible to discover new states and measure their line shapes as well as the
line shapes of already known states very precisely.
To normalize the energy scan measurements exact knowledge of...
Sofia Kotriakhova
(INFN Sezione di Roma)
24/02/2020, 17:00
Colliders and detector integration
Contributed Oral
The Muon System of the LHCb experiment, after the ongoing upgrade, will be composed of 4 stations which comprise 1104 multi-wire-proportional-chambers (MWPC) with order of $10^5$ readout channels.
We are investigating the possibility of using the rates recorded on the Muon chambers to measure the luminosity.
A first study in this direction was performed analyzing the rates measured...
Danilo Domenici
24/02/2020, 17:20
Colliders and detector integration
Contributed Oral
The Positron Annihilation into Dark Matter Experiment (PADME) aims to
search for the production of a dark photon in the process e + e → A 0 γ. It exploits
the 550 MeV positron beam provided by the DAΦNE LINAC impinging on a
thin target.
The primary beam crosses a diamond target and if it does not interact it
is bent by a magnet in between the end of the spectrometer and the...