Particle Identification
- Simon Eidelman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Particle Identification
- Jochen Schwiening (GSI)
Particle Identification
- Evgeniy Kravchenko (BINP/NSU)
Sergey Kononov
24/02/2020, 17:40
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The PANDA detector at the international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) in Darmstadt (Germany) will address fundamental questions of hadron physics in high-energy antiproton collisions with fixed hydrogen and nuclear targets.
The PANDA Forward RICH (FRICH) is intended for identification of charged particles with forward polar angles below 5°–10° and...
Peter Krizan
(JSI and University of Ljubljana)
27/02/2020, 14:20
Particle identification
Invited Oral
The review will report on recent advances in particle identification methods in particle physics. We will discuss identification methods that are based on Cherenkov radiation and exploit the measurement of Cherenkov angle as well as the time of propagation of Cherenkov photons. We will also explore advances in transition radiation detectors and time-of-flight systems. We will discuss the...
Carsten Schwarz
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum GmbH)
27/02/2020, 14:50
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The PANDA experiment of the FAIR facility will address open
questions in hadron physics using antiproton beams in the
momentum range of 1.5-15 GeV/c.
The antiprotons are stored and cooled in the High Energy
Storage Ring (HESR) and allow high precision spectroscopy in
the energy range of closed and open charm.
Two Cherenkov detectors using the principle of Detection of
Antonios Papanestis
27/02/2020, 15:10
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The RICH detectors of the LHCb experiment have provided particle identification with excellent performance during Run 1 and 2 of the LHC. Currently the LHCb experiment is undergoing an upgrade to allow, starting from 2021, data collection at 5 times the instantaneous luminosity of the period 2010-2019 (up to $2 \times 10^{34}cm^{-2} s^{-2}$ ) with the aim to collect 50 fb$^{-1}$. The required...
Yun-Tsung Lai
27/02/2020, 15:30
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The Belle II experiment with SuperKEKB beam collision has started since 2018. The physics target of the experiment is to improve measurement of rare B meson decays with better and higher luminosity. An aerogel-based proximity focusing ring-imaging Cherenkov (ARICH) counter is utilized for charged particle identification (PID) in the forward end-cap region. For the study of CP violation...
Vasily Shebalin
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)
27/02/2020, 15:50
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
Data taking with the Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider in Japan started in April 2018 with low luminosity. During the second stage of data-taking, which started in March 2019, SuperKEKB has reached the luminosity of 1.05\times10^{34}cm^{-2}s^{-1} and Belle II collected about 10~fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity, moving towards the design luminosity of 5\times10^{35}...
Jochen Schwiening
, Dr
Wenliang Li
(College of William and Mary)
27/02/2020, 16:30
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The GlueX experiment at Jefferson Laboratory aims to perform quantitative tests of non-perturbative QCD through hadronic spectroscopy (mainly using light-quark mesons and baryons). The recently installed Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light (DIRC) detector is an important addition to the particle identification (PID) package of GlueX and is a crucial element for carrying out the...
Shuddha Shankar Dasgupta
(Post Doc Researcher)
27/02/2020, 16:50
Micropattern gas detectors
Contributed Oral
After pioneering gaseous detectors of single photon for RICH applications using solid state Photo Cathodes (PC) within the RD26 collaboration and by the realization of the MWPCs with CsI PC for the RICH detector of the COMPASS experiment at CERN SPS, in 2016 we have upgraded COMPASS RICH by novel gaseous photon detectors based on MPGD technology. Four new photon detectors, covering a total...
Matteo Turisini
27/02/2020, 17:10
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
NA62-RICH is the Ring Imaging CHerenkov detector of the NA62 experiment designed to measure the branching fraction of the ultra-rare decay of a charged kaon in a charged pion and two neutrinos. The experiment started in 2016 and is going to conclude the main measurement by 2025.
RICH sub-detector plays a fundamental role in NA62 by providing timing and multiplicity information to the global...
Jochen Schwiening
, Prof.
Xiaochun He
(Georgia State University, EIC PID Consortium - eRD14 Collaboration)
27/02/2020, 17:30
Particle identification
Invited Oral
The recent announcement of the construction of an Electron Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory by the U.S. Department of Energy makes the reality of a long-sought experimental effort to explore the structure and properties of proton and nuclei in unprecedented precision and broad kinematic coverage. Particle identification (PID) of the final state hadrons is a key requirement...
Arun Vaidyanathan
(PhD Student)
27/02/2020, 17:50
Instrumentation for Astroparticle and Neutrino physics
Contributed Oral
The TAIGA astroparticle observatory is under the construction at Tunka valley close to the Baikal Lake. Up to now it consists of 2 imaging air Cherenkov telescopes, about 100 wide-angle optical detectors, and 19 stations with 342 scintillation detectors. In 2019, the existing system of scintillation detector stations was extended with 3 stations of the new type Taiga-Muon counters. Each...