16-18 March 2021
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Laguerre Gaussian laser beam driven electron acceleration

17 Mar 2021, 11:30
Budker INP

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk, Russia
WG4: Innovative accelerator techniques WG4


Dr Harjit Singh Ghotra (Advanced Study Hub (ASH), TCRF, India)


Direct laser acceleration (DLA) of electron with intense high order modes of Laguerre Gaussian (LG) laser beam is investigated theoretically. The electron laser interaction is found to be sensitive with the radial (p) and azimuthal (m) mode indices for a polarized LG laser beam. Depending upon the order of mode indices (p,m), it is possible to derive the electron dynamics and energy gain with the variations of electric and magnetic fields characteristics of LG laser beam. The optimal values of beam parameters which leads to the most energetic electrons, is investigated and presented for the increasing power of LG mode indexed laser beam. The study opens new insights on mode indexed LG laser beam based applications with charged particle interactions.

Primary author

Dr Harjit Singh Ghotra (Advanced Study Hub (ASH), TCRF, India)

Presentation Materials