The detector developments for fast and super-fast time-resolved studies at SR beams will be reviewed. Two detectors based on Si micro-strip technology are developed at present in Budker INP SB RAS. The detector for imaging of super-fast processes at a nanosecond scale, DIMEX-Si allows to improve by more than a factor of ten maximum detected photon flux, with respect to the gaseous version of such detector, that is operating at VEPP-3 for more than 15 years; the frame rate is increased from 10 MFr/s up to 50 MFr/s and spatial resolution is improved from 250 um to about 70 microns. The new full-size detector prototype for the studies of tungsten deformations under pulse heat load in a microsecond scale is recently developed. It has significantly better spatial resolution and sensitivity compared to the gaseous DIMEX detector that was used for these studies before.