16-18 March 2021
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Water purification using SRF electron gun

16 Mar 2021, 13:00
Budker INP

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk, Russia
WG3: Accelerator technologies for industrial & medical applications WG3


Junji Urakawa (KEK)


We are developing 1.5 cell SRF (Superconducting RF) 1.3GHz electron gun to realize the generation of high intensity electron beam for compact water purification system. In the first stage, we manufactured Nb 1.5 cell RF gun and tested it at 2K1). Next planned step is to generate Nb3Sn layers with thickness of a few um on the surface of Nb superconducting cavities for 4K operation. Then, we will research the performance of 4K Nb3Sn SRF electron gun with CW pulsed laser system.
Important research issues are the operation of 4K Nb3Sn SRF cavity, photo-cathode at 4K and the generation of high intensity electron beam. I will report the plan with many advantages over present utilized facilities by establishing the water purification project using the SRF electron gun2). It will take at least 5 years to establish the technologies with the budget which is requesting funding agencies now.
1) T. Konomi of KEK mainly made this study.
2) R. Varma of IITB in India mainly proposed this project around 2018.

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