16-18 March 2021
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Innovative accelerator techniques in Novosibirsk

17 Mar 2021, 13:15
Budker INP

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk, Russia
WG4: Innovative accelerator techniques WG4


Konstantin Lotov (Budker INP)


We review the activity of four research groups:
- theoretical group that develops a quasi-static code LCODE for simulations of plasma wakefield acceleration and makes numerical and theoretical studies of plasma based accelerators;
- theoretical group that studies collective relaxation of electron beams and THz radiation from plasmas;
- group that develops novel W-band accelerating structures;
- experimental group that prepares laser-plasma experiments with a two channel multiterawatt laser system based on OPCPA.

Primary author

Konstantin Lotov (Budker INP)

Presentation Materials