16-18 March 2021
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Overview of CEPC plasma injector

17 Mar 2021, 10:20
Budker INP

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk, Russia
WG4: Innovative accelerator techniques WG4


Dazhang Li (IHEP, CAS)


The concept of Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) was presented in 2012
aiming to further study the Higgs bosons. It mainly consists of three parts including a linac, a booster and a collider. That CEPC booster needs to boost the beam energy from 10 GeV to 45.5 GeV brings many difficulties to fabricate and measure the dipole magnet. One of the practical way to avoid the low ?field dipole issue of the booster is to introduce the CEPC Plasma Injector (CPI) to boost the beam energy before injecting the beam into the booster.
In this work, we present preliminary studies on CPI, including simulation studies on electron acceleration with high transformer ratio and new schemes for positron acceleration. In addition, we also present some experimental results on plasma dechirper at THU lab.

Primary authors

Prof. Lu Wei (THU, China) Dazhang Li (IHEP, CAS)

Presentation Materials