2-dimensional GEM detector with FEE based on the nXYTER (in session "Posters")
A conception of the photon collider beam dump (in session "Posters")
A luminosity detector for the PANDA experiment at FAIR (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
A specialized processor for track reconstruction at the LHC crossing rate (in session "Trigger, electronics and DAQ")
A Time Projection Chamber for the International Linear Collider (in session "Tracking")
ARICH for Belle II (in session "PID")
ATLAS Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillator upgrade for LHC RunII (in session "Trigger, electronics and DAQ")
ATLAS TDAQ application gateway upgrade during LS1 (in session "Posters")
Beam Condition Monitors and a Luminometer Based on Diamond Sensors (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
Beam energy determination in collider experiments using backscattering of laser light (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
Calibration of energies at photon colliders (in session "Posters")
Challenges in Instrumentation at the PANDA Experiment (in session "Status reports from HEP centres")
CLIC Vertex-Detector R&D (in session "Tracking")
CMD-3 detector DAQ upgrade (in session "Trigger, electronics and DAQ")
CMS Alignment and Calibration (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
CMS ECAL performance and upgrade (in session "Calorimeters")
CMS Phase-1 Upgrades and Plans, with focus on Pixel Upgrade (in session "Tracking")
Collider experiments in Budker Institute (in session "Status reports from HEP centres")
Compton backscattering for the calibration of KEDR Tagging System (in session "Posters")
Conference Summary and Perspectives
Constraining Dark Energy with modern telescopes (in session "Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics")
Construction, commissioning and first data-taking of the Cylindrical-GEM KLOE-2 Inner Tracker (in session "MPGD")
DEPFET as a measurement device: simulation and data reconstruction (in session "Tracking")
DEPFET at Belle II (in session "Tracking")
Detector Challenges at CLIC (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
Detector Systems at the International Linear Collider (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
Detectors for Muon-to-Electron Conversion at the COMET Experiment (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
Developing of Scintillation crystals for Calorimetry and Astroparticle Physics (in session "Calorimeters")
Development and Construction of the Belle II TOP Detector (in session "PID")
Development of high resolution tracking detectors with Gas Electron Multipliers (in session "MPGD")
Development of the polystyrene scintillator technology and particle detectors on their basis (in session "Calorimeters")
Distributed data analysis system for CMD-3 detector (in session "Posters")
European Strategy for Particle Physics (in session "Status reports from HEP centres")
Extracted e- and gamma beams in BINP SB RAS (in session "Posters")
Fermilab accelerator complex and experimental program status and plans (in session "Status reports from HEP centres")
First years of running for the LHCb calorimeter system (in session "Calorimeters")
Fundamental Science at J-PARC (in session "Status reports from HEP centres")
Gravitational wave detectors (in session "Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics")
High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the PANDA Luminosity Detector (in session "Tracking")
ILC project (in session "Status reports from HEP centres")
Large area avalanche photodiodes with high quantum efficiency and extended UV response (in session "Calorimeters")
Liquid xenon calorimeter of the CMD-3 detector (in session "Posters")
Long term experience and performance of COMPASS RICH-1 (in session "PID")
Luminosity measurement with CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider (in session "Posters")
MCP PMT in colliding beam experiments (in session "PID")
Measurement of the integrated luminosity and the luminosity spectrum at the linear collider (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
Measurement of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Present and Future (in session "Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics")
Micromegas detectors for the ATLAS Muon System upgrade (in session "MPGD")
MPGD-based counters of single photons developed for COMPASS RICH-1 (in session "MPGD")
Muon System of SND Detector (in session "Posters")
Muon System of the KEDR Detector (in session "Posters")
New developments in solid state photomultipliers (in session "PID")
New Drift Chamber for the KEDR Detector (in session "Posters")
New electronics with high time and energy resolution for SND detector calorimeter (in session "Posters")
Particle flow calorimetry for Linear Collider (in session "Calorimeters")
Particle identification system based on dense aerogel for SND detector at VEPP-2000 collider (in session "Posters")
Past & Future of the Silicon-On-Insulator Pixel Detector (in session "Tracking")
Performance and Radiation Damage Effects in the LHCb Vertex Locator (in session "Tracking")
Performance of the Atlas Liquid Argon Calorimeter after three years of LHC operation and plans for a future upgrade (in session "Calorimeters")
Performance of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter at LHC in Run 1 and planned upgrades (in session "Calorimeters")
Performance of the BGO endcap calorimeter of the CMD-3 detector (in session "Calorimeters")
Performance of the LHCb trigger and its upgrade (in session "Trigger, electronics and DAQ")
Photon collider Higgs factories (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
Polarisation and beam energy measurement at linear e+e- colllider (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
Processing of the Liquid Xenon Calorimeter's signals for timing measurements (in session "Posters")
Proposal for the upgrade of the tracking and trigger system of the CMD-3 detector (in session "Posters")
RD51 Collaboration and MPGD Developments: Five Years Experience and Future Plans (in session "MPGD")
Recent progress in particle identification methods (in session "PID")
Results on radiation hardness of avalanche photodiodes up to neutron fluences of 2.5×10¹⁴ n/cm² (in session "Posters")
Review of simulations for gas detectors (in session "MPGD")
Simulation of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter at LHC and validation studies (in session "Posters")
Small angle detectors for study the diffractive processes with CMS (in session "Tracking")
SND data acquisition system upgrade (in session "Posters")
Space-charge effects in liquid argon ionization chambers (in session "Calorimeters")
Status of Belle II and SuperKEKB (in session "Status reports from HEP centres")
Status of the CMS Muon Chambers (in session "PID")
Status of the Frascati Laboratory (in session "Status reports from HEP centres")
Study of focusing aerogels with electron beam (in session "PID")
TAIGA - Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy - present status and perspectives (in session "Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics")
Test results of the aerogel Cherenkov counters with n=1.05 using electrons and muons at p<500 MeV/c (in session "Posters")
Testbench of shaper-digitizer modules for Belle II calorimeter (in session "Posters")
The array for the detection of the neutron component of extensive air showers (in session "Posters")
The Belle II Pixel Detector DAQ (in session "Trigger, electronics and DAQ")
The charge measurements system at PHIL, LAL (in session "Posters")
The CMD-3 TOMA DAQ infrastructure (in session "Posters")
The combined liquid xenon - crystal CsI calorimeter of CMD-3 detector (in session "Calorimeters")
The coordinate-tracking setup based on the drift chambers for ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray investigations (in session "Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics")
The Detector Control of the PANDA Experiment (in session "Trigger, electronics and DAQ")
The development of high resolution coordinate detectors for the DEUTRON facility (in session "Posters")
The energy calibration system of the KEDR tagger (in session "Posters")
The gamma-quantum registration system of SVD setup (in session "Posters")
The LXe calorimeter and the pixelated timing counter in the MEG II experiment (in session "Calorimeters")
The MEG upgrade Drift Chamber (in session "Tracking")
The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
The Multi-Purpose Detector for JINR heavy-ion collider (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
The project of laser polarimeter for beam energy measurement of VEPP-4M collider by resonance depolarization method (in session "Posters")
The Search for Dark Matter (in session "Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics")
The superconducting magnet of the Multipurpose Detector (in session "Colliders and Detector Integration")
The Ultra Lightweight Support Structure and Gaseous Helium Cooling for the Mu3e Silicon Pixel Tracker (in session "Tracking")
The Upgrade of the ALICE TPC (in session "Tracking")
The upgrade of the CMS trigger system (in session "Trigger, electronics and DAQ")
Threshold aerogel Cherenkov counters of the KEDR detector (in session "PID")
Time resolution measurements of scintillation counters prototypes for a new trigger Charged Hodoscope (CHOD) (in session "Trigger, electronics and DAQ")
Time-Projection-Chamber for MPD NICA Project (in session "Tracking")
Track chambers based on precision drift tubes housed inside a 30 mm mylar pipe (in session "Tracking")
Track-based alignment of the CMS Muon System (in session "Posters")
Two-phase detectors (in session "Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics")
Upgrade of the Belle II Electromagnetic Calorimeter (in session "Calorimeters")
Upgrade of the CMD-3 TOF system (in session "PID")
Upgrade of the CMS Muon System with Triple-GEM detectors (in session "MPGD")
Upgrade of the LHCb Vertex Locator (in session "Tracking")
Upgrade of trigger and DAQ for CsI at BelleII (in session "Trigger, electronics and DAQ")
Include materials from selected contributions