24 February 2014 to 1 March 2014
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

TAIGA - Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy - present status and perspectives

1 Mar 2014, 12:35
Oral presentation Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics


Nikolay Budnev (Irkutsk State University)


The TAIGA - Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy with hybrid detector system for gamma-ray astronomy from 10 TeV to several PeV, and cosmic rays studies from 100 TeV to 1 EeV is presented. It will search for "Pevatrons" (ultra-high energy gamma-ray sources), and measure cosmic ray composition and spectrum in the transition range from a supposed Galactic to extragalactic origin of cosmic rays. The TAIGA is include wide-angle optical stations (0.6 sr) placed at distances of 150-200m which will cover an area of 1 km² - 100 km² (Tunka-HiSCORE installation), 16 Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) with 3 m diameter reflectors, a net of surface and underground scintillation stations and Cherenkov array Tunka-133 which have been in operation since 2009 year.

Primary author

Nikolay Budnev (Irkutsk State University)

Presentation Materials