24 February 2014 to 1 March 2014
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

CMS Phase-1 Upgrades and Plans, with focus on Pixel Upgrade

25 Feb 2014, 16:15
Oral presentation Tracking Tracking


Aaron Dominguez (University of Nebraska -- Lincoln)


After a highly successful Run 1 of the LHC, CMS is planning the first phase of upgrades to maintain and extend our detector's performance as the LHC continues to increase the instantaneous luminosity of the accelerator. In order to keep the same, or improve, our experiment's performance in runs with 50 or more pile-up events per crossing, we are planning to replace the pixel tracker with a new low mass, four layer, three forward/backward disk, detector. In addition, we will be upgrading the electronics and photodetectors for the HCAL, while increasing the granularity of the detector to improve jet triggering and reconstruction in these high pile-up events. Finally, upgrades to the trigger electronics will allow us to efficiently deal with these higher rates coming from the increases in the accelerator's performance.

Primary author

Aaron Dominguez (University of Nebraska -- Lincoln)

Presentation Materials