21-25 May 2018
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Theoretical overview of charmonium evolutions in the hot medium

24 May 2018, 10:00
Budker INP

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk 630090


Dr BAOYI Chen (Tianjin University)


I will discuss about both $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ evolutions in different systems (p-Pb, Pb-Pb), focusing on the aspects of (1) $J/\psi$ regeneration connected with charm diffusion and thermalization in the expanding QGP, (2) double ratio $R_{AA}^{\psi(2S)}/R_{AA}^{J/\psi}$ and transitions between $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ induced by color screening effect on heavy quark potential, (3) charmonium photoproduction from initial electromagnetic fields even in semi-central collisions $b\sim R_A$ (with the existence of QGP), (4) and different final state interactions for $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ in small system p-Pb as a function of rapidity and $p_T$. Different theoretical models involving above topics will also be briefly introduced and compared.


I will discuss about the charmonium (1S, 2S) different production mechanisms in the hot medium in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions: primordial production from initial parton hard scattering, charm quark recombinations, photoproduction from initial strong electromagnetic fields, charmonium internal evolutions induced by in-medium heavy quark potential.

Primary author

Dr BAOYI Chen (Tianjin University)


Prof. Carsten Greiner (Frankfurt University) Prof. Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua University) Prof. Wangmei Zha (USTC)

Presentation Materials