Xiongfei Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
In this talk, I will present most recent experimental status on
conventional charmonium spectroscopy based on the data collected from
the BESIII, Belle, LHCb and KEDR Collaborations. These include improved
measurements of two-photon widths of $\chi_{c J}$ states and helicity analysis
$\chi_{c 2} \to \gamma \gamma$, $\chi_{c 1,2}$ resonance parameters with the decays $\chi_{c 1,2} \to J/\psi \mu^+ \mu^-$,
and $\eta_c$ resonance parameters measurement, the $J/\psi$ decay widths
measurement, determination of $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ masses, observations of
$X(3823)$ and $X(3860)$.
Primary author
Xiongfei Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)