9th session
- Marco Cavenago (INFN-LNL)
Sergey Rastigeev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
05/09/2018, 13:30
The accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS), created at BINP, is used for an ultra-sensitive radiocarbon concentration measurements for archaeology, geology, biomedical science and other fields.
The BINP AMS is based on the 1MV folded tandem accelerator with C+++ ion selection.
The most distinguishing feature of BINP AMS is the use of electrostatic separator of ion beam, located inside the...
Riccardo Agnello
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
05/09/2018, 14:00
H– and D– sources for fusion, accelerators and other applications
The Neutral Beam Injector (NBI) system for DEMO is designed to deliver a beam with energy 800 keV, accelerated current 34 A, and will require a neutralization efficiency for negative ions larger than 70\% [1]. Research groups in France and Switzerland are developing a new source concept for DEMO NBI based on a magnetized plasma column produced by a helicon antenna [2]. In RAID (Resonant...
Iaroslav Morgal
(CEA Cadarache, IRFM / Aix-Marseille Universite)
05/09/2018, 14:30
H– and D– sources for fusion, accelerators and other applications
The Cybele negative ion source is designed and operated at the IRFM in CEA Cadarache for the development of the future NBI system SIPHORE for future fusion reactors [1]. The main objective is to create a thin and tall (blade-like) negative ion beam (H-,D-), which will be neutralized by the laser photodetachment. For this purpose Cybele has an aspect ratio (1.2 m high *0.15 m wide) which is...