14th session
- Chundong Hu (Institute of Plasma Physics Hefei, China)
Roba Moussaoui
(Aix-Marseille University)
07/09/2018, 09:00
H– and D– sources for fusion, accelerators and other applications
In ITER and Demo devices, the heating of fusion plasma will be mainly provided by the injection of 1 MeV neutral deuterium atom (D) beams into tokamak. Such energetic neutrals are delivered by neutral beam injection (NBI) device. The key component of ITER NBI device is D- negative ion source, where a D- current density of 200 A/m2 is required. ITER negative ion (NI) source is based on Cs...
Yahong xie
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
07/09/2018, 09:30
H– and D– sources for fusion, accelerators and other applications
The China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) is a next generation fusion device towards the using of fusion energy. The main machine of CFETR and the auxiliary plasma heating tools including the Neutral beam injector (NBI) were under design. The high power ion source is the most precision and important part of NBI.
A negative ion source was designed for the key technology study and...
Jianglong Wei
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
07/09/2018, 10:00
Fundamental processes and modelling
The neutral beam injection (NBI) will be a fundamental method for plasma heating and current drive in the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR). As the most critical step towards the CFETR-NBI system, a research project of the CFETR neutral beam test facility (CFETR-NBTF) has be started in China. The objectives of the first phase of CFETR-NBTF are to produce a negative hydrogen ion...