7th Session
- Motoi Wada (Doshisha University)
Federica Bonomo
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
05/09/2018, 09:00
H– and D– sources for fusion, accelerators and other applications
The modular concept of the ITER Negative Beam Ion (NBI) source has been replicated in the ELISE test facility with half of the source size in the vertical direction; thus producing a large beam of about $1\,m\,×\,1\,m$. The target of ELISE is to achieve simultaneously the ITER NBI parameters in terms of negative ion extracted current (in H and D), pulse duration and ratio of co-extracted...
Emanuele Sartori
(Consorzio RFX - Università di Padova)
05/09/2018, 09:30
H– and D– sources for fusion, accelerators and other applications
Understanding the distribution of caesium by plasma within the expansion region of the SPIDER beam source is essential to maximise the efficiency of negative ion surface-production. The caesium is redistributed by plasma diffusion and is greatly affected by the plasma-wall interactions with the molybdenum walls. This work considers the processes which make up the plasma wall interaction and...
Alessandro Mimo
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
05/09/2018, 10:00
Fundamental processes and modelling
Large negative ion sources for neutral beam injection rely on surface production of negative ions on a converter surface (plasma grid) in a low temperature plasma environment. To increase the negative ion production efficiency and reduce the amount of co-extracted electrons, the work function of the plasma grid is reduced by using Cs, which is evaporated in the source and redistributed by the...