25 February 2019 to 1 March 2019
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Muon g-2: a new data-based analysis

28 Feb 2019, 09:20
Conference room

Conference room

Invited Oral Muon g-2 (experiment and theory) g-2


Dr Daisuke Nomura (KEK)


This work presents a complete re-evaluation of the hadronic vacuum polarization contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from the combination of e+ e- --> hadrons cross section data. Focus has been placed on the development of a new data combination method, which fully incorporates all correlated statistical and systematic uncertainties in a bias free approach. All available e+ e- --> hadrons cross section data have been analyzed and included, where the new data compilation has yielded the full hadronic R-ratio and its covariance matrix in the energy range $m_{\pi} < \sqrt{s} < 11.2 GeV$. Using these combined data and perturbative QCD above that range results in estimates of the hadronic vacuum polarization contributions to g-2 of the muon of $a_{\mu}^{had, LO VP} = (693.27 \pm 2.46 ) x 10^{-10}$ and $a_{\mu}^{had,NLO VP} = ( -9.82 \pm 0.04 ) x 10^{-10}$. The new estimate for the Standard Model prediction is found to be $a_{\mu}^{SM} = (11 659 182.05 \pm 3.56) x10^{-10}$, which is $3.7\sigma$ below the current experimental measurement.

Primary author

Presentation Materials