25 February 2019 to 1 March 2019
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

COMPASS++/AMBER and the Proton Radius Puzzle

28 Feb 2019, 17:10
Conference room

Conference room

Invited Oral Baryon Form Factors and proton radius Baryon formfactors


Dr Jan Friedrich (TU München)


CERN provides the large variety of high-energy beams for nuclear and particle physics research. One is the beam line M2 which is optimized to deliver an intense muon beam, but also hadron beams of both polarities. They are brought to an overground hall, which is used since many years almost exclusively by the COMPASS collaboration, with a broad experimental physics program on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The most relevant results and activities of the collaboration, in terms of pion-photon reactions for determination of the chiral anomaly and the related radiative width of the rho meson, will be discussed. Since many questions around QCD remain still open, the follow-up facility COMPASS++/AMBER is envisaged, aiming at up-to-date detector architecture and a large variety of measurements. They range from lowest-Q2 physics as the determination of the proton radius from elastic muon-proton scattering, to average-Q2 reactions for hadron spectroscopy and high-Q2 hadron structure investigations via the Drell-Yan process and deeply-virtual Compton scattering. The recently submitted Letter of Intent for COMPASS++/AMBER will be discussed. Focus will be given to the elastic muon-proton scattering measurement, that may contribute significantly to solve the proton radius puzzle due to the usage of a high-energy muon beam.

Primary author

Dr Jan Friedrich (TU München)

Presentation Materials